Saturday, November 2, 2013

US-ZioCons Addiction To Perdition Too 'Died In The Wool' For Any Prayer Of Redemption?!


Does Jewish Power Control the World Press?  The International Jew, by Henry Ford

The purpose of this article is twofold: to set forth what the Protocols have to say about the relation of the Press to the World Program, and to make an introduction to a study of Jewish influence on the Press.

The Jewish race has always been aware of the advantages to be derived from news. This was one of the factors in its control of European commerce from the earliest Christian times. To be informed beforehand, to know what was coming before the Gentiles among whom they lived knew it, was a special privilege of the Jews, made possible by the close communication in which widely separated Jewish groups kept themselves. From the first they were inveterate correspondents. They were the inventors of the news-letter.

This does not imply, however, that the Jews were the forerunners or even the sponsors of the modern Press. It was no part of their purpose to distribute news among the people, but to keep it for themselves as a secret advantage. The political, economic and commercial news which sped with really remarkable facility throughout Europe, from Jewish community to Jewish community, was in reality the official budget by which each community informed all the others of what was transpiring, as to war, trade currents, rising emergencies, or whatever the matter may have been. For centuries the Jews were the best informed people on the continent; from their secret sources in courts and chancellories, from privileged Jews who were placed in every position of vantage, the whole race was informed of the state of the world.

Scouts were kept in motion everywhere. Far down in South America, before the British or Dutch colonies in North America had hardly secured a foothold, there were Jews who served as outposts for European trade interests. The world was spied out in the interests of their race, just as today the entire planet is under the watchful eyes of Jewish agents — mostly Gentiles, it must be said — for any hint of new gold discoveries.  >>

The New Dominatrixes of Empire: Hey, Hey NSA: How Many Leaders Have You Spied On Today?

Data mining transforms the Spy business Danny Schechter Global Research, November 02, 2013

As Data mining transforms the Spy business, Everything is fair game according to the NSA. 

Their problem, says Danny Schechter, is that most of the world does not agree.
First we had Spymaster James Clapper dismissing concerns about NSA spying abuses denounced worldwide with a reference to the movie Casablanca. (His critics most recently were seconded by Secretary of State John Kerry who fears a tad of overkill, at least, now that some of this surveillance has been exposed.)

 To Clapper’s cinema-addicted mind, the critics are naive in the same way that French colonial police were when gambling was “discovered” in the famous Rick’s Café.

 He told a congressional committee probing his agency’s overreach: “ Some of this reminds me a lot of the classic movie ‘Casablanca’: ‘My God, there’s gambling going on here!’” 

  Explained the CNET website to those who missed the reference to one of America’s greatest and most watched movies, “As you may recall, the scene has the French Capt. Renault (Claude Rains) closing down the cafe run by American Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) on the pretext that it’s a front for a casino" ... >>

1 comment:

  1. And At Long Last, In 2013, Henry Ford's Warnings Have Come To Provide US With The WORDS To Make The Necessary Changes To US-ZioCons Mass Murdering Of Our Own Species Because They're Practitioners of the METZITZAH B'PEH And Certainly Should Ford Known About This, We Would Not Be In a Repeat Of This "Tribal" Criminally Insane 'People?'
