Monday, November 18, 2013

Vampire Families: ROTHSCHILD SINKING ITS' Bloody Soulless 'Reality' In Earth Where Not DAMN SPOT?!

Vincent Harlow once wisely observed, “Men’s minds indeed conceive new thoughts and plan new projects, but out of ancient thinking and under potent influence of long-established characteristics.” This has been reflected in reality for both the positive but also for the negative.

>> Sam Muhho, Global Research, Nov 18, 2013


The Intensifying Class Struggle

These developments are a reflection of what the banks and corporations are attempting to carry out in Detroit and it portends much for the future status of the working class and oppressed across the U.S. and indeed the world. What people need to know around the country and globally is that Detroit did not file for bankruptcy, but this illegal action is being implemented by an imposed so-called “emergency manager” who, through the Michigan governor, is working on behalf of finance capital to steal every gain won through protracted struggles over the last 80 years.

We have intervened in the Detroit economic crisis as well as the bankruptcy. Our slogan is “Cancel the Debt!” The banks claim that Detroit owes $18-22 billion in obligations to the same financial institutions that stole our jobs, houses, city services and educational system. Our position is we owe the banks nothing, that the banks owe us.

As Fidel Castro advocated over 30 years ago, the international debt crisis was not the creation of the majority of people throughout the world. Consequently, we have no responsibility to pay for a crisis that was not created by us but by the capitalists and the imperialists.

On October 23 in Detroit over 1,000 workers, retirees and community activists surrounded the federal courthouse at the opening of the bankruptcy eligibility trial chanting “Hands off Our Pensions, Healthcare, City Services and Art: Make the Banks Pay.” We are certain that this unprecedented fight back will spread across the U.S.


Shocking Glimpse Inside Guantanamo: Detained Without Charge Since 2002 – “You Cannot Walk even Half a Metre Without Being Chained”
Shaker Aamer can, for the first time, be heard speaking from his prison cell in Guantanamo Bay as part of a recording made by a US news channel.

Mr Aamer, one of 84 cleared men still detained in the US prison (more than half the total population of 164), was recorded by a crew filming for the CBS show 60 Minutes. Mr Aamer is not pictured on camera but is heard saying: “Tell the world the truth…Please, we are tired. Either you leave us to die in peace — or either tell the world the truth. Let the world hear what’s happening.” Shaker goes on to say, “you cannot walk even half a metre without being chained.  Is that a human being?  That’s the treatment of an animal”.



1 comment:

  1. Rove in Alabama is the AGENT for what is going on and the Curtain has been opened before, this time CHINA isn't going to be benevolent to Rove & his Alabama, nope that doped thinking is gonna explode against the criminals calling themselves 'Gov' U$A!
