Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WORLD GOV: US-ZioCons "Jews" & Netanyahu Own Congress America? Apartheid-Genocide Shadow Government R US!


They Rule: Council on Foreign Relations [Centre for American Progress, Brookings Institution, etc.]

Renewing America

Ideas and initiatives for rebuilding American economic strength.

Speaking Friday at the Council on Foreign Relations, Senator Carl Levin, who heads the powerful Armed Services Committee, insisted that Washington had an obligation to test Rouhani's promises to clear up doubts about the peacefulness of Iran's nuclear program.

"Whether it is a 10%, or 40% or 60% chance, it should be tested and probed," he said. "We should not at this time impose additional sanctions."

Even some Republicans suggested they were willing to be patient. Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska, who noted he has voted for every previous sanctions bill, said he was "open" to waiting. "The whole idea behind sanctions was to get people to talk, to deal with the issue," he told The Hill newspaper.

Senior administration officials have also met with leaders of key hawkish Jewish organizations, including the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Anti-Defamation League, which, aside from Christian Zionist groups, make up the influential Israel lobby.

Along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, these groups have pushed hardest for tougher sanctions, as well as concrete moves to make the threat of military force to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities more credible.

While accounts of these consultations have conflicted, the administration appears to have asked for a pause in lobbying for new sanctions for at least a few months.

The Jewish leaders reportedly agreed to a limited "time out" during which they would neither actively push for nor lobby against any sanctions legislation, although one of the participants, David Harris of the American Jewish Committee, called for Senate approval of the pending package in an op-ed published by Israel's Haaretz newspaper Monday.

On the foreign front, meanwhile, Kerry was dispatched late last week to the Middle East to reassure Saudi Arabia, Tehran's arch-rival, whose recent blunt criticism of US policies in the region has shocked many observers, and its Gulf allies that Obama was indeed determined to prevent Iran's acquiring a nuclear weapon. He will be traveling on to Israel later this week.

Demonstrators on Monday marked the anniversary of the Tehran embassy hostage crisis with ritual chants outside the long-abandoned building of "Death to America!" Other signals from the Iranian capital and elsewhere point to reasons for optimism at the forthcoming talks on Iran's nuclear program.
- Jim Lobe, 11/5/13 >>  http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/MID-01-051113.html

1 comment:

  1. Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] & The RENEW AMERICA in STRENGTHENING the ties with CHINA. China isn't deaf and dumb as are almost all the American people and the Chinese majority aren't the brightest bulbs in the great Homo Sapiens' real reality. No HUMAN BEING can tolerate further China-Russia-USA BS, please get over the past dark ages
