Daddy O’ wagging lips moving
kiss US hard core all your lies
bold faced half black-white
Progressing right along marching strong
cocaine cocaine gonna eat out your brain
did already Barry Soetero Bama
Druggie homo bi does not
know what happened and when, where-how
why did America hook-line
Sink into the abyss WHO
are the demonic cultists gone insane, everywhere
RIGHTS’ X-rated billable hours
Cool Cats, Jive All Around
up town and down town globe trotters
US Constitutional Republic, no
Time to punk, punks are
buildings' foot holders so we can scale,
tall structures and get higher
than the kites' tales' lagging.
xo/Porn Pom To Legal Schnauzer http://www.legalschnauzer.blogspot.com/
May 14, 2013 at 11:34 AM
... Obviously, this prediction is very late in coming to pass. Timing is the most problematic part of prophecy >> .. the world by the year 2004 will not be the same one you now know' .. ’But it can still be changed and you can help change it' .. SCENES World War III came to life .. I was in a hundred places at once .. Somehow it was clear to me that this final war, Armageddon, was caused by fear .. ’But it is a fear so great that humans will give up all freedoms in the name of safety' .. millions of refugees streamed across the US border, looking for a new life in North America .. the immigrants could NOT be stopped .. driven by fear of death and,
loss of confidence in God >>
Netanyahu scuttled his homo A$$ to Russia, getting kicked for flying nukes into Syria's airspace while BIDEN and the DEM from Minnesota, with McCain SCREAM bloody murder - NO FLY ZONE over Syria.
There is a power that is all powerful and we can feel this energy and know that the truth is invisible, and visible too.
Visibly America has gone too far. Invisibly, the earth and majority of humans are not going to tolerate any further or longer, the pedophile USA.
Obama was hired to be the bringer of the worst of our realities: slavery digital selling US down another river, by a 'black man' again.
How rude.
God as an energy is an almighty force, but an an enemy the source is what we have as 'gov'
Be prepared and do not trust Israel! Salivating unsanitized filth, can't be stopped Bill Kristol "what's the use of having nukes if you can't use 'em"
Then as Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus [Pompey, or Pompey the Great] .. military and political leader .. late Roman Republic DID TOO >> Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will raze Tel Aviv to the ground if Israel launches a military strike against the Islamic Republic.
It's certain to be certain there is to be no more 'Temple Mount' in the Middle East ~ as Moses' tribe continued into degradation the Mount was razed, so has America's turnaround artistry brought US #2 to Israel.
Watch Netanyahu carefully and also, every move the shape shifter Barry makes in his hiding of unsanitized filth.
Porn Pom says ~
Vowell foe foul smells stinky
under the bleachers, tip toe Scott tissue
swiping Seymour butts’ A$$ wipes
Robed Roaches hide unsanitized filth
scuttling disagreeable, consonant an adjective describing a
thing or things like "agreeable"
nation's treaties can be
consonants of music sounds pleasing not dissonant
horrifying-harsh-harassment Robed Terrorists Roaches
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