Petition to End the Fluoridation of Drinking Water

Sign our petition to end mandatory fluoridation of drinking water
Now, more than ever, is the time for the world to begin petitioning local authorities and politicians to end the mandatory fluoridation of drinking water supplies.
The dangers of drinking fluoridated water are well-known. To learn more about the dangers of drinking fluoridated water, click here, here and here.
the problem we face at both the local and global level is the lack of
willingness by authorities and politicians to tackle the pro-fluoride
lobby and end the mandatory fluoridation of drinking water supplies.
the only way for us to be heard, is to contact our local authorities
and politicians directly to show them personally what dangers are being
imposed on the broader community.
The following is a letter you can download to send to your local representative, demanding the end of water fluoridation.
This letter highlights the dangers of drinking fluoridated water and brings to the attention of our local representatives the need to change current practices.

Click to download a letter you can send to your local authorities demanding they stop adding fluoride to our drinking water
However, contacting our local authorities to end the fluoridation of drinking should only form one part of our strategy.
Ultimately, we need to petition the United Nations to demand that countries stop fluoridating their drinking water.
the United Nations reverses its policy of endorsing the fluoridation of
drinking water, then local authorities around the world will be more
receptive to change.
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