Because of the purported links between Muslims and the attacks on the World Trade Towers, the US Government has been shutting down all Muslin linked charities in the USA. But the Chairman of the Jewish Defense League, a group with a violent history, was arrested recently in a plot to bomb a US congressman. But the US Government has been "persuaded" not to take actions against Jewish charities, while the media has been "persuaded" to allow the story of hard evidence of JDL terrorism to fade away as quickly as possible.
Two Mossad agents were arrested with dynamite inside the Mexican Congress.
Israel receives a hugely disproportionate share of foreign aid from the United States, about $5 billion a year. A large segment of the US population questions the sending so much money to such a small population while so many people remain homeless on our own streets. But somehow, Congress is "persuaded" to keep sending more cash each and every year.
Sharon faces war crimes trial.
The American media is "persuaded" not to make a big deal of the story.Israel is in violation of the Geneva Accords. The American media is "persuaded" not to make a big deal of this story. The United Nations accuses Israel of using torture on children. The American media is "persuaded" not to make a big deal of this story, either. |
How is such persuasion possible?
America must cure the disease of worshiping the state of Israel, that has murdered more children, women, men, than any 'State' of the earth. What is the problem? Too many humans believe in complete abandonment of their spirit energies for a totalitarian material plane existence of criminally insane.