Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Catalyst: Martial Law, Three Numbers 'Paying Attention' ?

Alison Krauss & Down To The River To Pray
The Catalyst for Martial Law

Barring a false flag event, US martial law will have a trigger event, which will lead to martial law, that will be financial and it will naturally occur as we are already on a collision course with destiny.

There are three numbers that every American should be paying attention to and they are (1) the national deficit ($17 trillion dollars), (2) the unfunded liabilities debt ($238 trillion dollars), and (3) the derivatives/futures debt (one quadrillion dollars which is 16 times the entire wealth of the planet.

The net result of these staggering numbers can only end one way, with a financial collapse, a bank holiday, rioting in the streets and the full roll out of martial law.

Most, if not all revolutions occur in three stages and this formed the focus of my interview content.

Stage One

- See more at: http://govtslaves.info/told-voice-russia-radio-network-impending-us-martial-law/#sthash.glrAbf4W.dpuf

The Catalyst for Martial Law
Barring a false flag event, US martial law will have a trigger event, which will lead to martial law, that will be financial and it will naturally occur as we are already on a collision course with destiny.
There are three numbers that every American should be paying attention to and they are (1) the national deficit ($17 trillion dollars), (2) the unfunded liabilities debt ($238 trillion dollars), and (3) the derivatives/futures debt (one quadrillion dollars which is 16 times the entire wealth of the planet.
The net result of these staggering numbers can only end one way, with a financial collapse, a bank holiday, rioting in the streets and the full roll out of martial law.
Most, if not all revolutions occur in three stages and this formed the focus of my interview content.
Stage One
- See more at: http://govtslaves.info/told-voice-russia-radio-network-impending-us-martial-law/#sthash.glrAbf4W.dpuf
The Catalyst for Martial Law
Barring a false flag event, US martial law will have a trigger event, which will lead to martial law, that will be financial and it will naturally occur as we are already on a collision course with destiny.
There are three numbers that every American should be paying attention to and they are (1) the national deficit ($17 trillion dollars), (2) the unfunded liabilities debt ($238 trillion dollars), and (3) the derivatives/futures debt (one quadrillion dollars which is 16 times the entire wealth of the planet.
The net result of these staggering numbers can only end one way, with a financial collapse, a bank holiday, rioting in the streets and the full roll out of martial law.
Most, if not all revolutions occur in three stages and this formed the focus of my interview content.
Stage One
- See more at: http://govtslaves.info/told-voice-russia-radio-network-impending-us-martial-law/#sthash.glrAbf4W.dpuf

1 comment:

  1. OBAMA isn't. His "Affordable Care" isn't. FRAUD FRAUD and more FRAUD and Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, Et Al, ALL Kissinger's Third Generation Proteges are absolutely as worthless as the site for universal health care, the morons can't think anymore due to the Metzitzeh b'peh
