Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grid EX II? L-S-D~A c i d D r e a m s: T h e C I A , S i x t i e s , a n d B e y o n d ~ O l d T a l m u d i c s a y i n g ~ W e-d o-n o t-s e e-t h i n g s-a s-t h e y-a r e-w e-s e e-t h em-a s-w e-a r e .


LEFT USA experiment, and results?  Well so much for 'history' and the 'reality' of TRUTH.  P219, >> http://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/acid_dreams.pdf

P2 1 8 , T h e u s e o f L S D a m o n g y o u n g p e o p l e i n t h e U S r e a c h e d a p e a k i n t h e l a t e 1 9 6 0 s , s h o r t l y a f t e r t h e C I A i n i t i a t e d a s e r i e s o f c o v e r t o p e r a t i o n s d e s i g n e d t o d i s r u p t , d i s c r e d i t , a n d n e u t r a l i z e t h e N e w L e f t . W a s t h i s m e r e l y a h i s t o r i c a l c o i n c i d e n c e , o r d i d t h e A g e n c y a c t u a l l y t a k e s t e p s t o p r o m o t e t h e i l l i c i t a c i d t r a d e ? N o t s u r p r i s i n g l y , C I A s p o k e s m e n d i s m i s s s u c h a n o t i o n o u t o f h a n d . " W e d o n o t t a r g e t A m e r i c a n c i t i z e n s , " f o r m e r C I A d i r e c t o r R i c h a r d H e l m s t o l d t h e A m e r i c a n S o c i e t y o f N e w s p a p e r E d i t o r s i n 1 9 7 1 . " T h e n a t i o n m u s t t o a d e g r e e t a k e i t o n f a i t h t h a t w e w h o l e a d t h e C I A a r e h o n o r a b l e m e n , d e v o t e d t o t h e n a t i o n ' s s e r v i c e .


Did you know that this drill is being “managed” by the Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP)?  SPP is the North American Union. The announcement of Grid EX II was released, not on FEMA’s website, but on SPP.gov. This is a clever move which allows for elite to more effectively manage this drill for their own purposes.

Although I cannot discount the fears that many have that Grid EX II is a false flag operation in the works, I think it more likely that this is a dress rehearsal trial run for the real event. I do, however, believe that in the future we will see a power grid take down, followed by the declaration of martial law and the use of enemy foreign troops to enforce that martial law. I also believe that the it is likely that a future grid take down will also include a banking take down, as well, that will occur the third day of the blackout when people are rioting for food and too occupied to notice. This would allow the central bankers to establish a new world currency under the literal cover of darkness.
I think some individual caution is in order in preparation for this week’s events. However, I strongly believe that the worst is yet to come.


In fact, both poverty and income inequality are continuing to grow in the USA, and a powerful unequalizer in both instances is the U.S. Tax Code. Quite apart from being so complicated that it defies description, it is regularly manipulated by government to skew more tax breaks to the wealthy. This results in a national Gini Index (not coefficient) of .469 for the USA in 2010 – a figure which, according to the Center for American Progress, puts the United States in a disadvantageous position against Malaysia (.462) and Uganda (.443). In an example cited by the same reference, in 2007 the before-tax (federal) Gini index for the USA was .524. After taxes, it had decreased (improved) to .489, which represents a 7.2% reduction. The tax system has the power to reduce income inequality, but is not doing so to anything like the extent it could. The USA has made no observable progress whatsoever against income inequality, you might say.


U.S. Politics: Land Of The Puppet People

Who Is Calm?  An introduction:


How – Actually – Does the State Work?  'Do As You Are Told, Or We Will Kill You'
By Jeff Knaebel, August 26, 2008

"Communism is power based upon force and limited to nothing, by no kind of law and by absolutely no set rule."  --Lenin's Collected Works, Vol. XVIII, page 361--

The (American) "security organs" can designate and kill as they see fit

"Solicitor General Ted Olson has described the process: 'There is no requirement for the executive branch to spell out its criteria for who qualifies as an illegal combatant. There will be judgments and instincts and evaluations and implementations made by the executive that are going to be different from day to day, depending on the circumstances.'"

"In other words, what is safe to say today, might imperil your freedom or your life tomorrow. You can never know if you are on the right side of the law, because the 'law' is merely whim of the leader and his minions: their 'instincts' determine your guilt or innocence, and these gut 'feelings' can change from day to day. This is now, formally and officially, the guiding principle of the United States government. And underlying this edifice of tyranny is the prerogative of presidential murder."

"Perhaps the enormity of this monstrous perversion of law and morality has kept it from being fully comprehended. It sounds unbelievable to most people. But that is our reality. To overcome what seems to be widespread cognitive dissonance, we need only examine the publicly available record. There is nothing that any ordinary citizen could not know – if they choose to know it."

"Bush signed orders allowing CIA assassins to kill targets without seeking presidential approval. Nor is it necessary any longer for the president to approve new names added to the target list…the 'security organs' can designate and kill as they see fit. There is no way of knowing how many people have been killed by American agents operating outside judicial process. Most of the assassinations are carried out in secret: quietly, professionally… the death squads are able to operate clandestinely, using a full range of official and non-official cover arrangements to enter countries surreptitiously."

--Chris Floyd, truthout.org, October 02, 2006--

"Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice. Nothing is safe that does not show it can bear discussion and publicity."
--Lord Acton--

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
--Patrick Henry--

George W. Bush: "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck at them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did …"

--As reported by Palestinian leaders to whom Bush spoke after the Iraq invasion--

There you have it, folks. In a nutshell, the quotes above tell us our place in the system: do as you are told, or we will kill you. The rest is all detail. One nuance of history might be highighted for the reader. The men who possess these powers of life and death have rather consistently exhibited patterns of psychopathic behavior in the form of mass murder and torture. In addition to Bush, Hitler and Lenin quoted above, you might consider, among recent others, Mussolini, Stalin, Truman, Mao, Suharto. The list continues ad nauseam throughout history. Hierarchical power structures appear to be an evolutionary dead end for humanity


Example: I just read this book by Gwynne Dyer, who is a very famous and influental Canadian Defense Analyst, and foreign policy consultant. In it, he lays out an absolutely BRILLIANT overview of the cultural evolution of war. His final conclusion: with nuke escalation, war has effectively become obsolete, impractical, and indeed, a threat to the very continued existence of humanity. In short, time for pacifism, but not for strictly altruistic, lovey-dovie reasons. No need to go there at all, because from strictly pragmatic reasons, war has become as much a threat to the most powerful, autonomous, and militarily defensive nations as it is to the smallest, assimilated, and militarily "insurgent" "nations" or groups. In short, if we do not get rid of the concept of War, chances are it is eventually gonna kill us all, and that includes all of us who might ever BE, not just US right here and now. In short, war since 1945 has become (with the nuke arms race) increasingly, objectively, TOTALLY INSANE.

He goes through the entire history of warfare from paleolithic to post-Cold War. Warfare probably existed before nation states, but nation states made it something new and terrible. Instead of 10% or so of all males, and perhaps 5% of all females dying in war over about 5 year period as in nomadic or semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers, warfare in the first settled people amounted to less frequent fighting, but much bigger fights, and very differnet tactics. For a while, the rate of mortality was probably actually LOWER than in paleolithic times, then on to the scene come the first great dictators/national leaders, e.g., Sargon, and with the new concept of the massive warring state/tribe, the first true largescale atrocities. Entire villages sacked, entire tribes eliminated.

Continue for about 5000 years or so to the present, with this same basic theme being played out repeatedly, sometimes in very large scale, sometimes in not so large scale. Sometimes with new weapons or tactics sometimes with old reliables. All through it, people, nations, leaders, soldiers held pretty much the same mindset. War was terrible, it was not always something to be leaped into with enthusiasm but it was regarded as an inescapable "natural" part of the relations between sovereignties.

Nuclear weapons, and the subsequent proliferation of nuclear weapons have caused a dramatic change in the actual destructive capacity of war, but there has been virtually no corollary change in the way people THINK about what war is, and what it can achieve. Throughout the Cold War, there was a debate between the "minimum deterrence" school of thought, and the "flexible response" school (several different names and types for this set of strategic thoughts.

Minimum deterrence is just basically: have enough nukes that can be covertly protected from preemptive strike, and enough to flatten the enemies major cities. He will not attack you, because he knows that if he does, he's toast. President Kennedy in 1962 said that we needed about 200 sub based nukes to achieve this, but the defense industry wanted nothing to do with such small arsenals!

The other school, "flexible response" is all about trying to plan for, and figure out how to make nukes part of "tactical warfare," e.g., by using artillery filed nukes, suitcase nukes, short range missiles and so on, on targets that are primarily military and might minimize both retaliatory response, and civilian deaths, and thus allow one side to engage the other in a kind fof tit-for-tat city hostaging practice. The problem is, no one actually knows how this would work, i.e., if one side would eventually back down or not, or if it would just escalate into afull scale war.

The point Dyer arrives at based on this is that, war is no longer even useful for what nations and other sovereignties once used it for, because it has become so unpredictable and potentially lethal to the benefactor as to the loser.

the simple version of Dyer's argument.

Dyer's point is simply this: Increasingly since 1945, our basic premise that nations have a "right" to be divided has become increasingly untenable, from a simple standpoint of probabilities. No matter how good is your balance, you will eventually slip, and when the nuclear balance slips, poof!, no more humanity. The razor's edge on which the survival of our species is balanced was easier to comprehend in say 1962 with the Cuban missile crisis, or even more so in the 1970s and 1980s when the Russkies and the Yanks were actively bristling at each other. Now that the Soviets have lost control of a few of their sateillite states, the same "WAR IS OVER! Lets go home!" mentality that made the Korean war possible has struck humanity once again. Because the American public were SO thoroughly sick of militarization, the US military experienced one of the most precipitous downsizings of any force every in all of human history immediately after WWII, and this meant that the US deterrent all over the world was quite minimal; this was exactly why the North Koreans, backed by the Chinese and Soviets thought they could get away with annexing South Korea. They knew that US ability to protect its client states in Asia using conventional strength was extremely low, and they gambled that the US would NOT play its trump card, the bomb.

People did not LIKE the "Cold War" at all. It made them very uncomfortable, so it is no surprise that the media, the politicians, the activists, EVERYONE, were more than happy to pretend that the threat of global thermonuclear war simply vanished when "the Soviet Union collapsed." Problem is, the risk is probably even greater NOW than it was then, because the USSR has fallen into even greater shambles. Most of the arsenals are still there, and most of the military leaders are still there. Even a lot of the Old Guard of political leaders are still there. The only thing that has changed is that, the USSR had to back down from its propaganda war, because it was finally obvious to everyone that it was a sham, and that it was in economic shambles.


1 comment:

  1. CIA LSD Acid Dreams & What is in all the P HARM acuticals? Grid EX II, Bring on all the FLOWER CHILDREN, gonna die anyway cause IT says so?
