Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lie Detector Tests & Deep Probed Depositions: Rob Riley & Liberty Duke, Et Al

Tuesday morning Roger Shuler appeared in Shelby County District Court to answer a charge of …
Judge Cl;aud D Neilson

Copyright 2013 WIAT-CBS42

[SIDEBAR:  The POLICE are paid to break every law in the book.  The MILITANT POLICE that got to be what we have today, they aren't other than the NAZI JACKBOOTS that ALSO were too stupid to get what happened until THE happening happened and then, well the rest is history.

Roger Shuler reports on corruption in Alabama.  He does this because the corruption got to the point IT is, CRITICAL MA$$.  The problem in Alabama is the people there that call themselves humans, have lost a moral compass or there wouldn't be the SOURCES that Roger received the deep mole probes from.

DEPOSITIONS:  Rob Riley and Liberty Duke, LIE DETECTOR TESTS, deep probe investigation as the greatest FORENSICS the State of Alabama has ever known.

Due process law.  Simple truth in the BALANCE of LIBERTY in real time and not the unbelievable trash of human filth that does not want to behave other than completely opposite of family and moral values. Sickening how KARL ROVE gets away with doing whatever the professional criminal can.

GET DIALED IN AL:  Rove isn't about to be in charge coming in the future, not the near and not distant either.  The Devil's Advocate/s [DAs] are all getting ready to see whether or not the Rule of Law has returned to reckon the Bush Treason.

OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and the CONSTITUTIONS OF THE STATES, as well, the OBLIGATION OF THE JUDICIAL are very clear about our moral responsibilities and these reported on so called leaders in Alabama are in need of a deep probed investigation that is fully loaded in the records that demonstrate whether or not Roger is reporting truth.  MEDICAL RECORDS and of course lie detector tests, Et Al, Et Cetera.]
Pryor, Garrison, Sessions, "We Are Family"
HOW SHOCK & AWE, A 'Gay' [gender bent?!] Federal Judge to do the bidding of the worst humans on planet earth, U$ZioCon$

1 comment:

  1. First Amendment, Fourth, Sixth, and when reading the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights' - this travesty is about how far we've gone in Rove Turd~blossom's Bush Cesspool U$A
