Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Most Disturbing Part Of The JPMorgan News Is That It's Not Shocking At All: huffington post dot com

Peter S. Goodman
Having worked on the setting up of business as a banker, Paulson began to develop a better understanding of the Chinese economy as he frequented China and subsequently, grew to become involved in US-China relations during his time as Treasury Secretary.

Peter S. Goodman  Executive Business and Global News Editor, The Huffington Post

JPMorgan Chase ... still accounting for its craven abuses in mortgage markets, its London Whale derivatives debacle, and its manipulation of the key index known as Libor now stands accused of essentially funneling funds to Wen Jiabao's only daughter to win business in China, bringing a federal probe.

Yet the takeaway here merely reinforces a truth that has long been evident to those paying attention to the pungent interplay of money and power in China: Despite the prattling of global business leaders that their presence in China is a wholesome boon to justice and right, elevating Chinese business standards and adding transparency to a system laced with corruption, they have frequently enriched themselves by engaging in the very dirty doings they claim to disdain.

1 comment:

  1. Abundant SHOCK & AWE from the U$ZioCon$ & of course the Chinese that are of course transparent and playing fair in the market of U$ DERIVATIVES that have stolen Americans' wealth and continues to, too
