Tuesday, November 5, 2013

PAY BACK TIME: BLOWBACK US-ZioCons Repay ALL American "INVESTORS'" Too, For Stolen Real & Personal Property/ies

Who Is Ali Khamenei?

The Worldview of Iran’s Supreme Leader By Akbar Ganji From our September/October 2013 Issue
Khamenei visits an American hostage in 1980.
CFR doesn't look like IT likes Iran
You can check out anytime you like: Khamenei visits an American hostage, 1980. (Abbas / Magnum Photos) 
In June, Hassan Rouhani was elected president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Rouhani ran as a reform candidate, and many have interpreted his victory as a harbinger of a possible liberalization or rationalization of Iranian domestic and foreign policy. But the dominant figure in Iranian politics is not the president but rather the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Iranian constitution endows the supreme leader with tremendous authority over all major state institutions, and Khamenei, who has held the post since 1989, has found many other ways to further increase his influence. Formally or not, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government all operate under his absolute sovereignty; Khamenei is Iran’s head of state, commander in chief, and top ideologue. His views are what will ultimately shape Iranian policy, and so it is worth exploring them in detail.

Iran's supreme religious leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in 1997. (Getty Images)

The End of American Power? Washington has Lost All Credibility  by grtv
The Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution says the United States has lost its political and military power and turned into a country grappling with its biggest economic and financial problems. He was addressing a group of school and university students on the occasion of Student Day in Iran. 

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the U-S is suffering from political problems and divisions which led to the recent shutdown of the federal government. The leader noted that Iran's current economic hardships pale in comparison with those of the US administration. He said US officials made projections some 11 years ago about having 14-thousand billion dollars in extra revenues by 2011 or 2012, and that now, in practice, they are suffering from a huge 17-thousand billion dollar deficit. He added that this alone shows America's true economic situation and the inaccuracy of their official calculations. 

Ayatollah Khamenei also made mention of deep divisions among Washington's allies, saying that the U-S has failed to convince even its closest partners like France or Britain to back its decision on launching a strike against Syria.

For more on this issue, PressTV speaks with political analyst Paul Craig Roberts.

1 comment:

  1. CFR (Council On Foreign Relations) IS OUR 'Clue' Re 'Iran". You'd Think the US-ZioCons were/are 'rich'! Electronic IT Units & Derivatives To Act Like Kingdom Come Is All American And Meanwhile Iran Laughs At Fools & Their "Digits"
