Wednesday, November 13, 2013

U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., Jonathan M. Smith, Chief of the Civil Rights Division's Special Litigation Section, Et Al, & S. Amanda Marshall, U.S. Attorney, District of Oregon, Et Al And President Candace Morgan, American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, Et Al

General Information Special Litigation Section
Jonathan M. Smith

Special Litigation Section
(202) 514-6255, toll-free at (877) 218-5228
FAX - (202) 514-0212
Alt. FAX - (202) 514-6273
Email -
S Amanda Marshall
Bar Number  953473
Status  Active Member
Admit Date  9/22/1995
Mailing Address  S Amanda Marshall
United States Attorneys Office
1000 SW 3rd Ave
Portland OR  97204
County  Multnomah
Phone  503 727-1121
Fax  503 727-1117

Click here to get more information about volunteering with the ACLU of Oregon.  
Executive Committee
Candace Morgan
Vice President, Policy
William J. Rainey
Vice President, Litigation
Steven Wilker
Vice President, Legislation
Joyce Cohen
Vice President, Education
Jim Curtis
Jennifer Middleton

Cary Jackson
Laura Berg, Stasia Brownell, Michael Cartwright, Alec Esquivel, Cate Hartzell, Greg Hazarabedian, Annabelle Jaramillo, Graham Kroese, Stella Manabe, Bobby Mauger, Keane McGee, Robert Melnick, Harriet Merrick, Fred R Neal III, William Patton, P.K. Runkles-Pearson, Nancy Ross, S. Bobbin Singh, Erin Snyder, Celine Swenson-Harris,  
National Board RepresentativeHank Miggins
Affiliate Affirmative Action Officer (not a voting member of the board)
Leila Wrathall
Legal Director
Kevin Díaz joined the staff in 2010. In his role as Legal Director, Mr. Díaz supervises and directs all litigation on behalf of the affiliate. He works with cooperating attorneys and staff throughout the country using an integrated advocacy model to advance the organization’s goals.

Kevin Diaz
Bar Number  970480
Status  Active Member
Admit Date  4/15/1997
Mailing Address  Kevin Diaz
ACLU of Oregon
PO Box 40585
Portland OR  97240
County  Multnomah
Phone  503 227-6928
Fax  503 227-6948

Kent Robinson named acting U.S. attorney for Oregon | OregonLive ... › Oregon Local Newsby Bryan Denson, Jul 10, 2009 - Kent Robinson named acting U.S. attorney for Oregon ... U.S. Attorney, managing 56 assistant U.S. attorneys in Portland, Eugene and Medford.

Kent S Robinson
Bar Number  096251
Status  Inactive
Admit Date  10/29/2009
Mailing Address  Kent S Robinson
2938 SW Comus St
Portland OR  97219
County  Multnomah
Phone  503 245-8179
Fax  503 727-1117
Oregon U.S. Attorney Finalist Concerned About Another Pay Cut, Wednesday, February 24th, 2010, Josh Marquis, the Clatsop County district attorney and one of two people under consideration to be the next U.S. Attorney for Oregon, has warned his fellow district attorneys that if they voice opinions about key measures before the state legislature, lawmakers may further cut the salaries of the DAs, The Bend Bulletin reports.

Kent Robinson (gov)
An Assistant U.S. Attorney has been named the new interim Oregon U.S. Attorney, The Oregonian reports. Dwight C. Holton replaces Kent Robinson, who has been the state’s interim U.S. Attorney. His term expired at midnight on Wednesday, the newspaper reports.
Holton most recently became chief of the criminal division in the district.
Robinson, had been acting U.S. attorney since last July. He now will become the office’s First Assistant U.S. Attorney, a post he also held in 2007. Robinson  was one of three people recommended by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) for formal appointment to the U.S. Attorney position, which requires Senate confirmation. However this week Robinson withdrew his application for reasons that were not immediately made clear, The Oregonian reported.

Joshua Marquis (gov)
The two remaining people recommended for the permanent position are Josh Marquis and Amanda Marshall. The White House has not announced a decision on the appointment.
Marquis has served as the district attorney for Clatsop County since 1994. He previously was the chief deputy district attorney for Deschutes and Lincoln counties. Marquis also worked as a deputy district attorney for Lincoln and Lane counties.

Amanda Marshall (facebook)
Marshall is a child advocacy lawyer for the Oregon Department of Justice. She has a Facebook page promoting her candidacy here.
Karen Hudes: The problem is not with the American citizens, they are a wonderful group, their values are good. It’s just that they are not given the tools that they need to have a just society. They are not given the basic information about what is really going on and who is benefiting from the economies that they are being told .. they are being told that they have no money, they have taken an entire city, Detroit, and declared it bankrupt. When what’s actually happening is their tax dollars are not even staying in the society, their tax dollars are going by treaty to the United Kingdom, and then they are being transferred to the Vatican, to the bank of the Vatican. This is not a society that is going to be sustainable on any basis, for any reason. >> <<



Dear People Named, Et Al:

On November 12, 2013, Jack P. Mongeon filed his COMPLAINT in the United States District Court, District of Oregon, Division of Portland.

The papers he studied to file in his own behalf were of great interest to We The People of Oregon, most especially.  The PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU was the subject of a Seventy-Seven page document:  Attorneys for Plaintiff, United States.



1.  The United States has filed a complaint in the Federal District Court for the District of Oregon in Portland, Oregon asserting that the City has engaged in a pattern and practice of constitutional violations pursuant to the authority granted to United States Department of Justice ("DOJ") under 42 U.S.C. Section 14141 to seek declaratory or equitable relief to remedy a pattern or practice of conduct by law enforcement officers that deprives individuals of rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution or federal law.  The City expressly denies that the allegations are true.

The City engages in obstruction of Justice and this is the greatest travesty.  The City is the role model for the "Officers" that have been found guilty on many occasions in the Police Brutality that is rampant in the U.S.A., and definitely depriving individuals of rights, privileges and immunities secured by the Constitution, federal and state laws AND certainly every due process, probable cause as 'consumers' rights'' are being violated.  EXCE$$VE USE OF FORCE IE WEAPONRY, EG TAZERS, PEPPER SPRAY, AR-15 RIFLES, ET AL ETC., because the Wall Street GOLDMAN GOVERNMENT $ACH$ vitiated the JUDICIAL RETIREMENT PORTFOLIO$,  isn't passing the Constitutional Muster either.

VITIATED.  The immorality of the situation is the breach of our money sovereignty.  Absent dealing with this problem, see Karen Hudes testimonies as LAWYER for the World Bank, there is no such idea:  LIBERTY.

CIVIL LIBERTIES.  So many umbrellas to be under to keep out of the pouring down FRAUDULENT 'money' tsunamis since the Federal Reserve System [Fed] via LOUIS BRANDEIS' slight of gopher hand penning America's Liberty to the VATICAN via the 'Zionists' United Kingdom, come all ye unfaithful that do not get what the Constitution's basic truth is:  money sovereignty.

LAWYER GOPHERS' for the British Accredited Registry GLOBAL Mafia, B.A.R.

[SIDEBAR CON'T:  From the top, The Department of Justice in Washington D.C., to the States individually and the LAWYERS do not get that the United States wasn't a corporation - IT wasn't for servitude to the VATICAN and the CROWN AND the United Kingdom.

That was what the Revolution was supposedly all about, not being a colony to the Queen of England.

How clever to use LAW as the slavery tool in which to destroy intelligence in reality.  No IMAGINATION/S are the brain-dead.  What happens is the rote-like 'path of least resistance' occurs.  Cows when walking out to pasture in the daytime, and then back into the barn at the eve, always choose the path of least resistance.  The goal is to ease getting to pasture and back to barn.  Humans are institutionalized fraud conditioned and don't take the path least traveled.

Pity.  And certainly, there's no liberty!  POLICE are hired by those that stole the money sovereignty & whom digitally-electronically force IT into society as brainwashing, propaganda, virtual money and pay the killer thugs with WELL CONTROLLED FRAUD.

GULAG?  Indeed Worse Than Stalin's.  GULAG for the obviously dumbed down, certain faction/s of society are split into the 'multicultural' and 'metrosexual' and ? ~ zombie army/ies, to kill the more intelligent.  Lying, cheating, stealing, killing and calling this CIVILIZED?  CIVIL LIBERTIES?!

JACK MONGEON and the story of all stories.  .. to be continued ....

KENT S. ROBINSON, U.S. Attorney #1Deputy, State of Oregon.  Can't tell a U.S. CITIZEN how the TORT date operates.  The TORT according to the 'law' and this is of course TRESPASS as the 'charge' that can include the laws of our U.S. Constitution and the CIVIL RIGHTS, 1983, Et Al, Et Cetera.  Says it is giving legal advice.  WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GET EDUCATED.

Dear Owen M. Panner,

There's a serious problem when the State of Oregon hires "career prosecutor" and the "wife Claire Fay" ... is an assistant U.S. attorney in the Portland office. The couple have two children ... in the small town of Portland, Oregon.

Oregon can't afford the monster Fed's unlawful use of the U.$. liberty, the UNCONSTITUTIONAL Article I, Section IX, Clause VII, to enslave all.  Including the Fay Robinson family.

Perhaps the JUDICIAL is still not noticing - and with all the cuts - IT can be for all the people not just the Vatican and IT$' complete criminal mafioso global multi-Paedophilia cults called 'religion/s'. 

DOUGLAS called IT 'social credit', long ago now.


PLAN 'B', we best get busy here.


CAREER PROSECUTOR.  A point is, this institutionalized thinking process isn't to discuss with the U.S. CITIZEN the truth in justice?

A career prosecutor hasn't prosecuted the Fed for FINANCIAL PAEDOPHILIA that has destroyed the Fay Robinson's family's future in America, that close to home, too.

Have you heard about the 'gender-bending' problems?  How about, two lawyers in one family and not knowing the money sovereignty?

What about knowing TORT date?  An ADMINISTRATIVE question that all the so called U.S. Attorneys should be able to answer on the INTERNET.
Please, the incestuous 'legal tribe' that has now also popped as the LAWYER BUBBLE.  See all the 'cuts' and realize digital virtual electronic fraud money isn't real.  Kent Robinson, either realize what the ADMINISTRATIVE is as in ethical standards -- especially when the TRESPASS gets turned around via so called "Gov" and therein lies the real rub, Mr. Robinson -- or not.

TORT:  And should this be incorrect because you all have received via Email this ON-LINE POST, is the date of the trespass, however the ACTUAL DATE that the TRESPASS occurred isn't counted.  HOW CAN IT BE, Mr. Robinson, when the thinking being realizes the date of the TRESPASS which the Portland Police Bureau alleged was 11/13/11, would have either (1) incarcerated, or (2) no incarceration.

Incarceration stops a date certain, or should and the holiday stop the Gov day, should also be in a calendar of tickle the same for all people.

That was until the Fed went completely criminally insane and destroyed the PETRO$.  You, Sir, have to consider with two children what the family is going to do IN THE TRESPA$$ OF THE FED.  The date was December 21, 1913, or thereabouts.

The FED isn't U.S/ Government IT$' a Private Cabal and therefore, IT is your job???  U.S. #1Deputy Attorney, to go after the crimes and the crime has been committed to the last count, 1Quadrillion, the TORT needs to get filed via you, Et Al.]

... to be continued ....


1 comment:

  1. DEPT JUSTICE, DOJ Washington D.C., Attention TO: U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall, U.S. Attorney #1Deputy Kent Robinson, American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU], Et Al, RE: JACK MONGEON 83, going on 38 & COMPLAINT Against the Portland Police Bureau [PPB] Et Al, Et Cetera
