Sunday, January 12, 2014

For Fund Investors, the Dangers of Rarefied Air: GOBSMACKED ?!

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Eleanor Davis
THE stock market ended 2013 at record highs and with indicators of investor optimism near best-ever levels. The enthusiasm is understandable after a year that was the strongest for stocks in well over a decade — but whether it is wise is another matter.

The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index rose 29.6 percent, to 1,848.36, capped by an especially strong fourth-quarter gain of 9.9 percent. The full-year increase was the biggest since 1997, and stock fund managers made the most of the fertile environment, achieving their best results since 1991.

The average domestic equity fund in Morningstar’s database rose 8.3 percent in the fourth quarter and 30.4 percent for all of 2013. The average large-capitalization blend fund, the sort that would use the S.&P. 500 as a benchmark, was up 31.9 percent for the year. That beat the price appreciation of the index but lagged the 33.2 percent total return, which includes dividends, of the SPDR S.&P. 500, a large exchange-traded fund that tracks it. Exchange-traded funds continued to grow in popularity, to their largest year-end proportion ever. They accounted for 13.2 percent of fund assets as of November, according to Morningstar, compared with 12.7 percent at the end of 2012.
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William H. Gross of Pimco Total Return doesn’t expect the environment for bond investors to be any more benign this year. Stephanie Diani for The New York Times
It was a difficult quarter for the bond market. A sharp rise in 10-year Treasury yields last year, to 3.03 percent from 1.76 percent, sent prices lower on longer-dated issues, although instruments of lower quality and with shorter maturities fared better.

Treasury issues were subdued for much of the year by the threat — and then the fact — that the Federal Reserve would start to wind down quantitative easing, its purchases of Treasury bonds and mortgage securities. The Fed announced in December that it intended to reduce purchases by $10 billion a month from a starting rate of $85 billion if suitable economic progress continued.

Quantitative easing gave investors a reason to buy stocks all year, and the Fed’s plan for a slow reduction of the program, with its promise to keep interest rates low for a long time, gave them a reason to keep buying. Although the impending announcement had been a source of dread, the market had one of its best sessions all year when it occurred on Dec. 18, and the ebullient mood lingered until year-end.

As 2013 came to a close, the weekly Investors Intelligence survey of investment newsletters recorded the most lopsided ratio of bulls to bears — more than four to one — since 1987. Similarly, the weekly poll of members of the National Association of Active Investment Managers, released on Jan. 2, showed one of the most bullish readings since the survey began in 2006.

But while investors cheered, economists and corporate executives had less to celebrate. Inflation-adjusted economic growth reported by the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis reached an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the third quarter, the most since 2011. Yet much of the strength resulted from inventory buildup — things made but not sold — and from greater consumption by necessity, not choice. Higher spending on health care and energy accounted for most of an upward revision in third-quarter growth reported in December.

An increase in profits was tepid and similarly suspect. The research service FactSet estimates that net earnings for S.&P. 500 companies increased 6.3 percent last year, barely one-fifth of the index’s gain, and much of the profit growth was attributable to the very low interest expense engineered by the Fed.

THAT so-so backdrop didn’t hinder the desire to own stocks. But with prices seeming to outrun reality, some strategists and portfolio managers have urged investors to rein in their enthusiasm. The new year may be far less profitable than 2013, they warn, for three reasons: 

the reduction in Fed bond-buying makes higher interest rates more likely; earnings growth is likely to remain sluggish; and the market’s spectacular run, amid those smaller earnings gains, has left stocks expensive. Now that the Fed has made its intentions clear, investors may focus more on fundamentals, and they may not like what they see. 

“I don’t deny that there have been a number of sentimental, emotional developments that have helped the stock market,” said Scott Clemons, chief investment strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman Wealth Management. “The concern I have is that the Fed has been a sideshow. The real show is what’s going on with corporate earnings, margins and valuations. Earnings have been bouncing along roughly in line with nominal G.D.P. growth.”
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A clothing factory near Barcelona.  The fund manager Simon Webber says Spain has made “big gains in competitiveness.” Gustau Nacarino/Reuters
That figure comprises real gross domestic product — what the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports — and the inflation rate. Neither has been expanding all that fast consistently, Mr. Clemons noted. Beyond the economic backdrop, he says he believes that companies’ ability to bolster profits without significantly increasing sales, through cost-cutting and very low interest rates, has run its course.

That inauspicious combination led him to forecast profit growth at a mid-single-digit rate this year. He has continued to look for value, he said, but with stocks starting 2014 trading at roughly 18 times earnings, “it’s harder to find.”

Joseph R. Huber, manager of the Huber Capital Equity Income and Huber Capital Small Cap Value funds, has been frustrated in his search, too. “It’s difficult to find stocks in this market, even on a relative basis,” he said. He has looked for value, and said it was especially hard to find among smaller companies.

If there are precious few cheap stocks in this market, how about in others? Funds that specialize in foreign stocks gained 5 percent, on average, in the fourth quarter and 15.9 percent for the full year — strong by the standards of most years but barely half as great as domestic funds’ performance. Europe was the best overseas region, with portfolios there rising by an average of 28.9 percent in 2013; funds invested in emerging markets were noticeably weak, up just 0.7 percent. 

It took Europe longer to start working its way out of the 2008-9 financial crisis than the United States, so European companies and stocks are widely seen as being in an earlier stage of recovery. Although raw economic numbers look worse in Europe, the improvement from the depths of the crisis is heartening investors.

“You have to be careful not to judge the recovery by U.S. standards,” advised Simon Webber, lead manager of the Schroder International Alpha fund.
Even amid lackluster growth, corporate profits in Europe could improve substantially, he predicted, because they are coming off a low base. “European earnings are significantly below their peak” of the mid-2000s, Mr. Webber said, “and the U.S. is back to its previous peak, so there’s scope for significant recovery, which I expect to come through in the next 12 months.”

He still counsels selectivity, with an emphasis on industries like banking, insurance and staffing. As for countries, he prefers some with strong economies, such as Germany, but also those that may be bouncing back. Spain, for instance, “has made big gains in competitiveness and has the bones of an export-led recovery,” he said.
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A waste-heat recovery unit in China. Mr. Webber says investors should consider companies that aid China’s energy efficiency. Ryan Pyle for The New York Times
Mr. Webber also encourages careful choices in China. He suggests that investors concentrate on segments of the economy that stand to benefit from an emphasis on an improving quality of life, a mix that includes retailers and businesses that help bring efficient and cleaner energy use.

SELECTIVITY by bond investors last year did little good, unless investors selected high-yield or junk bonds. Those junk-bond funds, on average, rose 7.2 percent for the year, aided by a gain of 3.2 percent in the fourth quarter.

The average taxable bond fund returned 1 percent in the quarter and 0.9 percent for the year, dragged down by funds that focus on long-term issues. They were hit especially hard by the climb in interest rates and fell 6.1 percent for the year. An indication of poor 2013 performance in long-term government bonds was the negative 14.4 percent total return of iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond, a frequently traded exchange-traded fund. 

William H. Gross, manager of Pimco Total Return, the largest bond fund with nearly $250 billion in assets, does not expect the environment for bond investors to be any more benign in 2014 as the Fed’s assistance to them continues to wane.

“It would be better for the bond market for the Fed to write a trillion dollars’ worth of checks a year than not,” Mr. Gross said. With the checks set to be smaller, “it’s just a question of where to seek shelter.”

He said he expected the Fed to keep its target for the federal funds rate, at which banks make overnight loans to one another, at 0.25 percent for at least two more years. That would lead him to stick to instruments toward the shorter end of the yield curve, coming due in two to four years.

Modest economic growth “opens the door for credit, but not necessarily junk bonds,” he added. That would encompass corporate issues of moderate to high creditworthiness. He also recommends some foreign bonds, particularly from Mexico, and closed-end municipal bond funds trading at large discounts to their intrinsic asset values. Muni mutual funds had a poor 2013, losing 3.4 percent, on average.

When it comes to bonds, Mr. Clemons at Brown Brothers Harriman prefers even shorter maturities than Mr. Gross, eight months or less. 

As for stocks, Mr. Clemons likes stable, financially strong sectors like consumer staples as well as beaten-down niches like emerging markets. Such exceptions aside, he and his colleagues have been selling into the rally, and he advises extreme caution.

“I don’t know if a bear market is on the way,” he said, “but I know that the combination of low earnings growth, high margins, high valuations and investor complacency gives you no margin for safety.”

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