Monday, January 6, 2014

Pamela S. Karlan & Steven G. Calabresi: RE: LAW CLINIC/S U.S. SUPREME COURT

January 06, 2014

Because I could not stop for Death
– Since then – 'tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses' Heads
Were toward Eternity –
Emily Dickinson

>> Because I could not stop for Death – He
kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality. We slowly drove – He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility – We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess – in the Ring – We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain – We passed the Setting Sun – Or rather – He passed us – The Dews drew quivering and chill – For only Gossamer, my Gown – My Tippet – only Tulle – We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground – The Roof was scarcely visible – The Cornice – in the Ground ...


JUST US SAY NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO !!!!! | 4. NO DRONES!!! | NO !!!!!
(British Accredited Registry) | (b) INNS OF COURTS | (c) Et Al (Apartheid)
26. ET CETERA !!!!!

*Government of the People, by the People, for the People* ... Lincoln


Pamela S. Karlan, Law Prof, Stanford LAW, Neukom Build, N241, Crown Quadrangle, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305, T 6507232465, T/F 650-7254851 / 0253

Steven G. Calabresi, Board /Directors Chair, Federalist Society, 1015 18 St NW, Suite 425, Washington D.C. 20036,; and, Law Prof, Northwestern U LAW, T/F 202-8228138 / 2968061; T 3125037012, F 3125032035, Ofc/Dean, 375 E. Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, T 312-5033100 /

Mary Elizabeth Magill, Dean, Stanford LAW, Crown Quadrangle, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 94305, T 6507232465, T/F 650-7234455 / 4669

Daniel Rodriguez, Dean, Northwestern U LAW, Arthur Rubloff Building, 375 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611, T/F 312-5033100 / 2035,

Azadeh Shahshahani, President | Bina Ahmad, National Vice President | Camilo Romero, National Vice President | Claire White, Student National Vice President ~NATIONAL LAWYER GUILD, 132 Nassau Street, Rm. 922, New York, NY 10038, T/F 212-6795100 / 2811

From /RK ET AL, c/o 232 SE Oak Street, Suite 104, Portland, Oregon 97214


The web address for the Federalist Society says there is an assembly, January 25, 2014.

The recent publications regarding Pamela S. Karlan2 | Steven G. Calabresi’s3, have prompted this, sent via fax and regular United Postal Service. URGENT, EMERGENCY, please include this Et Al, in the Federalist meet-up 01/25/14. The agenda at the meet-up -- please can we now begin every ‘assembly’ in a ‘web presence’ in discussing the Twenty-first Century, as an open forum because the IT is certainly sophisticated to responsibly produce this on-line? IE EG,


*metzitzah b’peh, *drawing blood from baby’s penis the circumciser uses his mouth .. Naomi Reice Buchwald .. USDC Judge .. AMPLE medical evidence *direct oral suction* places infants at a serious risk of herpes infection .. evidence parents .. unaware MBP circumcision .. regulation plainly addresses .. legitimate societal concerns, Buchwald wrote, according to Reuters .. In 2003 - 2004, three babies, including set of twins, infected .. Type 1 herpes; cases linked to circumcision, one boy died. *See Gilad Atzmon, "Jewish Blood Sacrifice."

New York BAR #1064252: NAOMI REICE BUCHWALD, U S DISTRICT JUDGE, US COURT HOUSE, 500 PEARL ST, NEW YORK, NY 10007-1316, (212) 805-0194, Year Admitted in NY: 1968, Law School: COLUMBIA

ALTHOUGH, the information-education may NOT be, exactly what you think you ‘want’ to know, the truth in the United States EG DISDAIN for DEMOCRACY, ITS’ at critical mass implosion-explosion,

Moving the spirit in the letter, rule and due process of law to bring an organic solution to the ever-evolving,
  • Declaration of Independence\
  • The U.S. Constitution
  • Bill of Rights’ AND, importantly, is our knowing the difficulty in addressing the reality of CHANGE, when the times demand,
  • 42 U.S.C. /42, Section 1983, or however the perfect match to say-write IT, the/our
    • CIVIL RIGHTS’ .. (self-evident doesn’t care about other than practicing the real truth in the law)
  • Consumer Protection Rights’ All Eighteen (18) Titles,
    • R.I.C.O., et al, etc.
Scholars serve how, in the United States, as we whistle past the graveyard? – We’re at critical mass past the art of discussion, too, via all the adults in the U.S.A., unfortunately.  Fortunately, however, we’ve the internet and ‘talk shoes’, etc.

A brief history: My father was a high ranking officer in both the United States Air Force and Air America. Decorated in 1975, more ‘Huey Helicopter Hours than any other pilot’, via Lyndon B. Johnson, US President. Father was born in 1920, and the son of immigrants, his mother -my paternal grandmother- MURT, was from Germany. Father’s father was a very interesting man - and paternal great-grandfather rumored ‘titled sent away from England’ the mixing with ‘Tribe’ in the ‘Indians of America’. The family immigrated here, the Murts, however, the family was also still living in Germany. Murt family all lived in a small village where they were artists, artisans, craftsmen and in essence the entire family were a ‘guild of arts and crafts’. My father entered World War II, as a First Lt. He was shot down his first flight over Germany and he was a Prisoner of War for no less than two (2) years. When he returned from that experience, he was not the ‘same person’, according to Grandmother Murt. When my father passed on January 29, 2007, he was not the ‘same person’ that I thought I knew to be my ‘father’.

Do we - any of we humans - know the real ‘father’ that was before the DISDAIN for being Homo sapiens? My father was a product of the Christian Crusaders and Military Industrial Complex brands, in reality he was a slave to the same system of antiquity as is worsening day-by-day.

The reality was-is, my father the ‘genius’ was used as nothing more than a commodity in the earth plane and this is not a new concept.

My mother was the most intelligent person I’ve ever had the great honor of knowing.

Hazel Naomi passed on August 26, 2007. That was after she endured two (2) years of oxygen full time, which was a complete curse to her. Mother was an experiment in the USAF ‘hospitals’ and she thought ‘western doctors’ were real. She didn’t know MENGELES was and is the so called western model of medicine. Mother was butchered in the hospital in the State of Washington, the year was 1967, or thereabout. MILITARY MEDICINE was the first ‘SINGLE PAYEE’ that OBAMACARE could have easily also implemented, but for AGENDA 21!?

Mengele was in NAZI Germany. In the State of Oregon children are being ‘introduced’ to the transgender and transsexual, metrosexual and name a sexual orientation driven via a definite agenda, not being ‘taught’– to children. NOT exactly other than a Nazi style agenda.

In the military, Nazi Mengele was the ‘medicine’ and ‘medical procedures’. My history was radiation as second daughter to prevent procreation. First daughter, my sis, way worse - she was the kissing disease, that was actually a chemical warfare project. She all but died her senior year in high school, and she never fully recovered from the Epstein Barr Virus.

The story of my family is a long and deeply involved saga. Suffice to say, the name Marx (Karl) is my mother’s second cousin, my cousin once removed. My younger brother studied the works of Karl Marx, I did not because unlike brother I wasn’t fluent in multiple languages.

My brother was made dead on our father’s birthday, September 10, 1986. He had finished writing a manuscript after a decade of being a captain of a fishing vessel in the Bering Sea, Alaska. My father never recovered from the news of my brother’s ‘disappearance’ called in via the Russians and Koreans fishing near where he was fishing too. His book was about his/our father and the CIA, in Southeast Asia during the 1960s and 1970s.

The election process is broken. When George W. Bush, Jr., who my parents voted for both times he supposedly ‘ran’ for U.S. President, got into power – then we were really finished in the DEMOCRACY of ‘voting rights’. I’m not one to be talking here, I didn’t vote until I voted for Bill Clinton and that was a deadly mistake that one time. Then, I voted for Kohn-Kerry and that was in reality a vote for Teresa Heinz! However, I don’t feel voting is real, other than the only vote I cast for Cynthia McKinney. That was worth the energy-verve of my trust in a broken system.

Until the mutilation of our own species stops6, there is no HOPE for any other reality than the innocent are being mutilated. CHRISTIAN is as guilty as the RABBI ‘JEW’.

There is a serious problem in the VATICAN and ITS’ ‘practices’, too. Which, when in the deep probe study of ‘history’ (see BIBLE AND SWORD, by Barbara Tuchman), then we get to see how we got to this place where we’re not only stuck in the OLD TESTAMENT ‘make-be LIE ve’, but indeed the dumb-down ‘goyim’ are sincerely causing the worst possible backwards ‘thinking’ in acting as though the superstitions of ? are reality. Muslims are in the same situation from the thousands of years of brainwashing. The brainwashing of human beings has been quite a successful experiment via ?

KAREN HUDES, former Senior Counsel of the WORLD BANK, has too, an extremely impressive vita. Certainly, her credentials are voluminous reality/ies, in the truth of how MONEY is operating the global earth.

We are a GLOBAL reality experiencing a supposed sovereign nation state known as the United States of America.

I worked an entire lifetime <in fact> to co-create an INTERNATIONAL ART presence.  My/our family/ies dreams weren’t to be. We didn’t fit in with the United States and ITS’ global agenda to be a CLINTON INITIATIVE: IE The New World Order of Rockefeller and Bush Sr., selling modern as GREEN-AGENDA-21-GLOBAL-WARMING et al, etc.

Same agenda, nothing more than the same ole stuck mutilations and abortions and whatever disaster or ghetto-hell can be wrought for the RETIREMENT PORTFOLIOS, EG Justice Roberts is a practitioner of the ‘Catholic’ and/or VATICAN ??; Justices not the Chief, are primarily a deck stacked with the JEWRY POLITICAL ??; BRANDEIS wasn’t a schooled practitioner of the art of due process rule of law ?? AND yet he sat as a Supreme Court Justice and is highly responsible for the SOVEREIGN MONEY U.S. to disappear via the FED ??

ZIONISTS, are also controlling the information which controls the decisions of the majority of the CONGRESS/ES and the JUSTICES. IE ZIONISTS control the U$A ?!

The Law Schools and therefore, the SYSTEM OF SO CALLED ‘DEMOCRACY’:  Checks and Balances “Rule of Law” isn’t an ‘enlightenment’, not by the stretch of any imagination herein, in the aughts.

We were supposed to have been a U.S. Constitutional Republic -- I invite all into my stone carving studio, for one-day-to-one-week, then we can discuss further the idea of mastery in the art of carving a David from rock hard dirt, earth. Greatness in the illusion of anatomical balance and the reality of an abstract BALZAC: to see what did Rodin really say? And, also, Michelangelo too !

Better yet, let us all live a day in the worst ghetto-hell in earth, be it Palestine or somewhere in the U.S.A, WE invest our lives 100% in no less than one week, or more, living the EXACT APARTHEID manufactured - maybe we can then awaken the real artist within and see our true composition which we can or can’t ‘change’ in the multi-dimensional ‘realities’. EG, APARTHEID in the City of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, and in fact, the entirety of the OREGON TERRITORY, there’s a serious Apartheid problem.



SOLUTION ?!: MONEY SOVEREIGNTY. IE EG, REACTION in this time, USBANCORP is owned via a faction of families who then own Cities, Counties, and therefore, the State of Oregon. This unholy aligned monopoly is VIA the FED / Fed and ITS’ theft of our FEDERAL SPENDING CREDIT, IE OUR MONEY SOVEREIGNTY!

Schools are owned and operated via the BLOB and ITS’ European counterpart, the SLOBS (the/a Faction). Thus, in the U.S. there’s NO REAL EDUCATION nor are there any genuine sources of INFORMATION. News and the majority of the ‘publications’ are owned via the/a Faction, which is well-fed FREE CREDIT via the FED / Fed. Kissinger & Associates, George Soros’ Open Society Et Al were-are by design, stole America’s money sovereignty and has now rode U$ hard and put us away wet to die. Third Generation “Keeping The Flame”, Richard Nixon and Fritz Kraemer running the Pentagon for no less than forty five (45) ? Years.  Timothy F. Geithner and the ideology of doing other countries. America isn’t Israel, and therefore America has to be sacrificed for the cause of Israel.

In the 1980s, the Savings & Loan FRAUD, 1990s DotCom FRAUD, into the late 1990s and into the early aughts. In the PACIFIC NORTHWEST, Washington Mutual ‘Bank’, and the State of Oregon ‘Government’, swiping our family business bank account, thousands of US$, that has never been recovered. All the way to the Court of Appeals and NO DUE PROCESS LAW proven again and again, that’s the way IT is and has been in the State of Oregon for far too long. In 2003, or thereabouts, the SALMON RECOVERY (IE ‘Club of Rome), cost our family thousands of US$ that has never been fully recovered. Hand-in-glove with the Agenda 21 (see in California too). BIG FIST up all our A$$E$ via Rahm Emanuel THIRD GENERATION and we get Austerity & Sequester right out of the PROTOCOLS OF THE ORDER OF ZION. Is the State of Illinois, Springfield ? gonna be the Simpson cartoon ‘real time’? My story is one in millions and that’s not OK in the aughts!!! WEATHER WEAPONRY IS REAL, no cartoon is going to be funny about earthquakes, etc.

HOLLY WOOD CONGRESSES CIA-NSA-ET-AL-ET-CETERA to blow us real good in the department of retirement/s. Weather weaponry, and any imagination deeply lost, in the criminally insane act/s ~eg, mass murdering our own species and calling this ‘intelligence’.

You higher scholars can argue ad nauseam about how the GOOD LAW in the U.S. is supposed to work, or not. Lectures, papers, assemblies, APARTHEID is the structure.

MONEY SOVEREIGNTY unaddressed, then we are as impotent as the innocent who get mutilated (butchered) without giving permission. In 1977, and 1980, I refused to do that to my sons. Now there is no excuse for this ‘RELIGIOUS’ DIS-EASE of our people (ALL), to be hidden in the FRAUD of ‘left-right’. There is no liberal and there is no conservative, there is only FRAUD-FRAUD-FRAUD. This is 2014! ??

JUSTICE in the States of California, Oregon, Washington and in the entirety of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is needed. The desperation is obvious in the prisons filled because the retirements are flesh trading corporate fascism or name a WICKED name IT isn’t, as truly the ANTI-UN-Democratic.

Begin the healing process of the thousand mile journey and that is, MONEY SOVEREIGNTY restored. Please see ELLEN BROWN, WEB OF DEBT, in California too. I / We in Oregon / Washington / California, Et Al, are in serious need of LAWYERS that are practicing due process and aren’t timid to hold accountable ALL that have violated the rule of law, AND oath/s of the U.S. Constitution. Treasonous participation, in the AGENDAS (ie eg, 21) and of course the FRAUDCLOSURES.

RULE OF LAW is not a muddied IDEA. The MONEY SOVEREIGNTY clears the problem of FRAUD right out of the equation of ANTI-DEMOCRACY. When the FED can’t contaminate the well of water (‘money sovereignty’) then all are safe to go and drink the fountain of real truth in justice as a whole society. APARTHEID-GENOCIDE never has cured a failed nation state.

Congress is to blame, for executive office expansion says ~JOHN YOO. Uh huh like the torture Chinese memo poison pen, strategically placed, has a clue to an inkling of understanding of the powerful language of the U.S. Constitution. The internet was said to be the real problem with the CONGRESS of the U$A. And the reality is, how many of the people in America can actually technically compete, with for example, the murdered to keep the competition in the same incestuous breeding impotency? Look how many have been made to disappear for the visible we now have that isn’t nearly as competent as where the Russians and Chinese have taken our ‘IT’.

Best turn on the light in the dark and no matter how many cockroaches in robes, take a torch and get rid of some of this plantations real ‘human filth’ or else. What is ITS’ name? The FED-IMF-BIZ. FRAUDCLOSURE/S MILITANT POLICING, Et Cetera,
  • Acosta John V., United States District Court, 1000 SW Third Ave, Ste 1127, Portland OR 97204, T 5033268280, F 5033268289,
  • Aiken* Ann L., OSB#800099, United States Courthouse, 405 E 8th Ave, Eugene OR 97401, T 5414314140, F 5414314149, (*son commits suicide Nicholas Joseph Klonoski)
  • Ambrose Christopher R., OSB#960344, Ambrose Law Group LLC, 200 Buddha Bldg, 312 NW 10th Ave, Portland OR 97209, T 5032220552, F 5032220984,
  • Ambrose David R., OSB#791440, (see Christopher R. Ambrose above), T 5034677217, F 5034677218,
  • Balmer Thomas A., OSB#821855, Oregon Supreme Court Bldg, 1163 State St, Salem, OR 97301, T 5039865717, F 5039865730
  • Bloch Eric J., OSB#861559, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4th Ave, Portland OR 97204, T 5039883954, F 5032760964,
  • Bryan Robert J., WSBA#2134, US District Court, 1717 Pacific Ave Rm 4427, Tacoma, WA 98402-3224, T 2538823870, F 2538823871
  • Bybee Jay S., Federal Appeals Court Judge, mmits-suicide-outside-las-vegas-mormones James R. Browning Courthouse, 95 7TH Street, San Francisco, CA (son commits suicide) The 26-year-old son of Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jay Bybee committed suicide in the courtyard of a Mormon temple in Las Vegas. Wikimedia Commons
  • Cleverley Matthew R., WSBA#32055, Fidelity National Law Group, 1200 6th Ave #620, Seattle, WA 98101-3125, T 2062234525X103, F 8776555281,
  • Dailey Kathleen M., OSB#881889, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4th Ave Portland, OR 97204, T 5039883062, F 5032760942,
  • Dunn Randall L., OSB#770278, 1001 SW 5th Ave #700, Portland, OR 97204, T5033261500 
  • Eckert C. Marie, OSB#883490, Miller Nash LLP, 111 SW 5th Ave Ste 3400, Portland, OR 97204, T 5032052477, F 5032240155,
  • Evans Steven R., OSB#781944, T 5039883235 x26699,
  • Frohnmayer David B., OSB#710015, Harrang Long Gary Rudnick PC, 360 E 10th Ave, Ste 300, Eugene OR 97401, T 5414850220, F 5416866564,
  • Frohnmayer John, OSB#722959, 1335 SW Timian St, Corvallis OR 97333, T 5417520053,
  • Gilbert Lucy B., WSBA#31992, Gilbert Law, 10660 NE Manor Ln, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-1120, T 2068557864, F 2068557864,
  • Gordon Daniel N., OSB#782255, Daniel N Gordon PC, 4023 W 1st Ave, PO Box 22338, Eugene OR 97402, T 5413422276, F 5413438059,,
  • Haile Benjamin W., OSB#040660, Portland Law Collective LLP, 1130 SW Morrison #407, Portland OR 97205, T 5032281889x4, F 5032234518,
  • Houze Stephen A., OSB#721261, 1211 SW 5th Ave #1240, Portland OR 97204, T 5032996426, F 5032996428,
  • Ihnat Patricia A., OSB#042010, Fidelity National Title, 900 SW 5th Ave Mezzanine Level Portland OR 97204, T 5032238338, F 5037966611,
  • Jones Edward J., OSB#752025, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4th Ave Portland OR 97204, T 5039883540, F 5032760954,
  • King Garr M., OSB#630432, 907 US Courthouse, 1000 SW 3rd Ave, Portland OR 97204, T 503 326-8230, F 5033268239,
  • Kozinski Alex, CALB#66473, c/o Office of the Chief Trial Counsel, Intake Unit, 1149 S. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015-2299
  • Litzenberger Marilyn E., OSB#883522, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4th Ave, Portland OR 97204, T 5039883365, F 5032760979,
  • Loiselle Sabrina P., OSB#925804, Sterling Savings Bank, 5005 SW Meadows Rd #400, LakeOswego OR97035, T5032145070,F5032145090,
  • Marshall Christopher J., OSB#852783, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4th Ave, Portland OR 97204, T 5039883274, F 5032760951,
  • Marshall Ronald S., WSBA#11662, Hall of Justice, 312 SW 1st Ave, Kelso, WA 98626-1739, T 3605773073, F 3605773132,
  • Maurer Jean Kerr, OSB#741728, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4th Ave Portland OR 97204, T 5039883668, F 5032760962,
  • Moede J. Scott, OSB#934816, Portland Office of City Attorney, 1221 SW 4th Ave Ste 430 Portland OR 97204, T 5038234047, F 5038233089,
  • Pearson Teresa H., OSB#953750, WSBA#25889 Miller Nash LLP, 111 SW 5thAve #3400, Portland, OR 97204-3614, T 5032052646, F 5032240155,
  • Rosenblum Ellen F., OSB#753239, Oregon Department of Justice, 1162 Court St NE Salem OR 97301, T 5033786002,
  •  Schrunk, Michael,
  • C Sinnott Jeanne K., OSB#075151, Miller Nash LLP, 111 SW 5th Ave #3400, Portland OR 97204, T 5032052418, F 5032240155,
  • Vacura Julie R., OSB#843692, Larkins Vacura LLP, 621 SW Morrison St Ste 1450, Portland OR 97205, T 5032224424, F 5038277600,
  • Warme James Edgar F. Xavier , WSBA#2338, 5051 Columbia Heights Rd, Longview, WA 98632-9537, T 3605773085,
  • Warning Stephen M., WSBA#9446, Cowlitz County Superior / Dist Court, 312 SW 1st Ave, Kelso, WA 98626-1797, T 3605773085
  • Weibel David A., OSB#082316, WSBA#24031, Bishop White Marshall & Weibel PS, 720 Olive Way #1201, Seattle WA 98101, T 206622-5306X5916, F 2066220354,
  • White Krista L., OSB#941575, WSBA#8612, Law Offices of Krista L. White&Associates, 1417 4th Ave #300, Seattle, WA 98101-2242, T 2066021500, F 2068050742
  • You Youlee Y., OSB#894145, MultCo CircuitCourt, 1021 SW 4 Ave, Portland OR 97204, T 5039883404, F 5032760956,
The Fed-FED-Bis-BIZ-IMF-Et-Al, do not choose to do other than use human capital.

The LAWYER BUBBLE best pop, too, or we are doomed to never recover from the next ‘middle class’ implosion-explosion.

The LIST doesn’t include the FRAUDCLOSURE MILLS which are certainly in complaints filed in the B.A.R./s, California, Oregon, Washington.



postscript: I/We look forward to an immediate response. Relocation is indeed a negotiation of extreme importance. d-indonesia-chinese-bankers-and-corrupt-federal-government-120.html

C Elizabeth Warren, Karen Hudes, Orly Taitz, ET AL

1 comment:

  1. Scholars of the Law, ALL, are invited to scholarly demand our MONEY SOVEREIGNTY returned before we're a totally failed nation state.
