Saturday, January 4, 2014

National Lawyer Guild: NLG

The NLG is dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. We seek to unite the lawyers, law students, legal workers and jailhouse lawyers to function as an effective force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.

Our aim is to bring together all those who recognize the importance of safeguarding and extending the rights of workers, women, LGBTQ people, farmers, people with disabilities and people of color, upon whom the welfare of the entire nation depends; who seek actively to eliminate racism; who work to maintain and protect our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them; and who look upon the law as an instrument for the protection of the people, rather than for their repression.

Support the NLG

132 Nassau Street, Rm. 922
New York, NY 10038
Ph. (212) 679-5100
Fax (212) 679-2811

Board and Staff

National Officers

Regional Vice Presidents

National Office Staff

Committee Representatives

[sidebar:  The NLG .. to function as an effective force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.

... property interests ie 'the body-mind-spirit' & our five (5) elements supporting this unseen seen reality in the earth 'physical' ?

The NLG con't ... Our aim is to bring together all those who recognize the importance of safeguarding and extending the rights of workers, ... [ie eg 'sidebar' men/women / women/men and/or whatever combo vise 'a' versa/s], LGBTQ people, farmers, people with disabilities and people of color, upon whom the welfare of the entire nation depends; who seek actively to eliminate racism; who work to maintain and protect our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them; and who look upon the law as an instrument for the protection of the people, rather than for their repression.

>>>> workers, men or women and / or women or men, ie rights of workers, men, women and / or eg rights of workers, women, men, and here LGBTQ ? Well how about rather than sexually stereotype, A through Z ?

>>>> and, any and all programming of racism, sexism, supremacist prejudices, Et Cetera, are to become an alchemy in the education of APARTHEID and GENOCIDE as the models for the species Homo Sapiens, and this is a Totalitarian and Militant-Police Gulag.

>>>> plus, civil liberties and rights are unalienable and inalienable, we're born in nature and the laws of a select few 'humans' must be completely examined in the Twenty-first Century ?


The/a SELECT FEW who have stolen America's RIGHT to Money Sovereignty, these monsters must be held to the highest standard of JUSTICE.

NAMED AS, but not limited to:  the entity/ies named the Bank of International Settlements [Bis-BIS / Biz-BIZ], International Monetary Fund [IMF], and the Federal Reserve System [Fed / FED], must be made fully transparent in a complete audit via the CITIZENS' LAWYERS' in the millions that are MEMBERS of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights'.]

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