Tuesday, January 7, 2014

ORACLE Noam & PONZI Madoff''s JPMorganCHA$E: "By The PRICKING Of My Thumbs" ?!

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: Annotations for the Witches' Chants (4.1.1-47)


weather weaponry or a nuke, think of the Fed and ITS' pricking of our thumbs?  Witches in the past and wickedness in the now, the time is upon U$ to decide whether or not we want to continue in the past systems of superstition.

Pain in the body is an evil spirit and the Federal Reserve System is definitely causing too much pain the the minds-bodies-spirits of too many humans.



1 comment:

  1. Turn off Alex Jones and Tune into intuition, sound waves and vibrations waving in every universe known and unknown. Witches. Which Witch was actually the first and which power decided to use the ideology as though reality to enslave the system of which craft to call supernatural, WHICH are the true wicked in world earth?
