People in LA are not waiting to find out, they are organizing protests now; and writers at the Times are pledging to quit rather than work for the extreme right wing Kochs.
- What we are reporting in this weekly review is something we have seen in previous weeks, indeed for the last several years, even before Occupy began. A popular resistance is developing throughout the nation; and the more the government fails to listen, the more the media fails to report it, the bigger the explosion of resistance will be. We’ve been working with some of the best resistance activists in the nation and will soon be announcing a new project to help bring the popular resistance to a new level. The success of this effort depends on you getting involved. Sign up now, so you are there to help make transformation from a money-centered oligarchy to a people centered democracy and an economy that works for all of us a reality.
current campaigns | past campaigns | Led by homeless leaders who refuse to stay in shelter, our position is that if you lose your housing and chose to live in public spaces rather than go to shelter your constitutional and human rights should not be abused by the police! We fight to end selective enforcement of Quality of Life regulations (we ask "Whose Quality of Life" is improved by moving homeless people from public spaces?) We fight the lack of legal representation for homeless people advised by legal aid lawyers to plead guilty instead of exercising their right to trial, and forced to return to court over and over if they chose to not plead guilty. We are also working to ensure that homeless New Yorkers right to vote is protected, including in city jails.
Learn more about our Civil Rights Campaign and our Civil Rights Accomplishments!
For additional information or to get involved, email Shaun Lin!
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