Friday, May 3, 2013

This farce is what happens in countries without a Constitution ~ Jews' News


Coyote Howlin [CHI] ~ Religion is a right to practice in earth and should there be one hundred billion and one-half humans, then there are that many paths ['religions'] to gain the glory of understanding.

Understanding?  With all thy getting, get this and then the life challenges of being in earth as a human, are more understandable.

History gets written far too often by the craziest of our species.  That is, the words taught to the masses in order to control are historically not reality when written by the criminally insane.

Thus, when history lies to the human population of earth then the earth human population imbalances nature.

When the natural balance is disrupted into critical mass corruption, nature takes care of the devil in the details.

The State of Israel is a place where the so called [decided by 'them'] "richest" so called humans of earth, get to be the god of all life and nature.  So they want to believe.  The humans attracted to live in that state, are for the most part, living in a delusional state of body-mind-spirit.  This apartheid, a very well defined faction has caused a serious imbalance in the fabric of the human unconscious, subsconscious, conscious and super consciousness 'bodies'.

The 'Israelis' [an ideology] is to separate because their so called religion is more real.  The problem is, the natural born reality has not been left natural for a very long time.  The practices in the time of Rome, were also written about as unnatural to the point of truly degradation.  Male mutilation in any century is indeed not natural.

Orthodoxy Jewry practices the blood sacrifice and this is not scientifically acceptable in 2013.


New York BAR #1064252:  NAOMI REICE BUCHWALD, U S DISTRICT JUDGE, US COURT HOUSE, 500 PEARL ST, NEW YORK, NY 10007-1316, (212) 805-0194, Year Admitted in NY:  1968, Law School:  COLUMBIA


There isn't any first jewish black world class pimp that can keep the fraud extended into the coveted date of 20??


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