Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Ben Bernanke prays for Americans to not awaken to his fraud and worse, the liar does not make any money.

PLEASE United States of Abject Terror get over the centuries 17, 18, 19, 20.

David Rockefeller and his shirttail cousin Slick Willie Clinton plus the 'lady' that loves to be in "Flying Circuses" need to get jobs that are other than blowing all the competition into smithereens.

The world decides.  The world decided USA isn't a 'superhero'.  Hollywood Z movies are over.

America got hijacked, obviously.  Systems were manufactured as FRAUD, including but, not limited to the FAKE JUSTICE.  Call what it isn't:  DEMOCRACY.

A healthy democracy isn't US.  Russia has grown more in the democracy building than the USA.  PLEASE where is SNOWDEN?  Not here in 'Merica, nope he is free in the so called 'communist state'.

GOLDMAN SACHS is the 'management' for the COURT SYSTEM.  What happened to the RETIREMENT PORTFOLIOS?  Too many very bad fraudulent "Roaches In Robes" [THANK YOU "LEGAL SCHNAUZER"] AND not enough houses to loot for the many that can sue the proper parties.

Problem?  Judges don't appear intelligent enough to get the collapse was their fat a$$es into the cauldron as the greatest BUBBLE in the final POP.  And this was-IS because the top fraudsters are proof how all the people all the time Mr. Lincoln, can be fooled.  That would be the 'Obama' FRAUDSTERS, both Mrs. and Mr. dancing in an embrace of destroy America finally, at long last!


Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve System, Rothschilds-Rockefellers ET AL, are not makers of money and certainly not benevolent professional human beings with genes of altruism.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Goldman Sachs Profits From Bad Economic Times

Goldman Sachs profits mightily from the so-called "stimulus" of Quantitative Easing (QE) by the Federal Reserve, but Goldman is not interested in helping to create economic growth through lending because it can prosper very nicely in a period of debt-deflation "by riding [the trend].  If they [the banks] withhold loans, prices will fall even further and the asserts can be bought later for even less.  You might call this shorting the entire economic system."

As we know, Goldman always seems to know that right time to make a profit by shorting, first by shorting the housing market and then by shorting the whole economy.

Quantitative easing isn't magic  http://www.goldmansachs666.com/2013/08/goldman-sachs-profits-from-bad-economic.html

US debt six times greater than declared - study

Published time: August 06, 2013 10:23
Edited time: August 06, 2013 11:14
Reuters / Kim Hong-Ji
Reuters / Kim Hong-Ji
The United States has accumulated over $70 trillion in unreported debt, an amount nearly six times the declared figure, according to a new study by University of California-San Diego economics Professor James Hamilton.

The unique aspect of Hamilton’s study  is that he examines federal debt that has not been publicly released, specifically the government’s support for “housing, other loan guarantees, deposit insurance, actions taken by the Federal Reserve, and government trust funds.”

Since the global economy hit rock bottom in 2008, US federal debt has gone through the roof, increasing from $5 trillion to an estimated $12 trillion in 2013. Meeting the interest payments alone on that debt burden presents a formidable challenge for US taxpayers: In addition to the debt, Americans must pay back around $220 billion annually just in interest.


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