President Carter, General Powell Plead For Russian Aid To Overthrow Obama
According to this report, yesterday morning, 5 August, General Vincent K. Brooks, the US Army Pacific’s commanding general, and Major General Michael H. Shields, US Army Alaska’s commanding general, departed from their tour of their Alaskan military bases and requested immediate permission to enter Russian airspace and land their C-130 aircraft Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport located in Kamchatka Krai.
Upon these American generals landing at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Airport, this report says, they were met by high-ranking Russian defense leaders currently based in the Far East and who had been overseeing the largest military drills taking place in the Motherland since Soviet times.
As to the mission of these American generals, this report continues, was to obtain permission from Putin, and Russian defense authorities, for those forces loyal to Powell and Carter, the ability to utilize the highly secure encrypted military and intelligence radio channels currently available on Russia’s Meridian 2 communication satellite and which use encryption technology that has not been broken by the United States National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS).
The purpose of this Powell-Clinton coup-plotting faction using secure Meridian 2 communication networks, these American generals told their Russian counterparts, was to enable them to safely communicate among each other as all of America’s normal means of communication (US Postal Service/Email/Phone and Cellular Calls/Internet, etc.) have been “totally compromised”
These American generals further confirmed that this Powell-Clinton coup-plotting faction is, indeed, behind the numerous Western spies leaking top-secret Obama regime and British intelligence documents to the worlds public, and as we had reported on in our previous report Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia.
Fears that these American generals expressed of the Obama regime being “run by blackmail,” GRU analysts in this report say, were recently verified by Russ Tice, a former intelligence analyst whistleblower for the NSA-CSS, who during a televised interview with Russia Today (RT) [see video HERE] cited specific targets that he saw NSA-CSS spying orders for, including former senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, Colin Powell and high ranking military leaders, mostly 3 star generals and admirals.
And during a televised interview with the American Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) [see video HERE], Tice further noted that NSA-CSS spying orders were issued for US Supreme Court Justices and top US business leaders and that the “word to word” cell, telephone and email communications of all Americans were being recorded and saved too.
Important to note about Tice’s claims of the unprecedented NSA/CSS spying now taking place in the US, is that in 2008, the popular American actor Shia LaBeouf, while being interviewed on a television programme called the Tonight Show [see video HERE] told of his experience having a high level FBI agent play back for him phone conversations he, LaBeouf, had made a few years earlier as a demonstration about how much the American government knew about the private lives of their citizens.
To how the NSA-CSS have used the stolen communications of their nations top political, business, news media, military and other such peoples, this report says, has been to establish the most “convoluted blackmail scheme” the world has ever seen, where at one moment political enemies become political allies (left wing Obama and right wing Congressman Michelle Bachman on same side against NSA/CSS whistleblower Edward Snowden) and where news media giants refuse to investigate any story they’re forbidden to comment on.
Curious to note is that even we here at WhatDoesItMean.Com have been caught up in this NSA/CSS “convoluted blackmail scheme” after being attacked by the famous right wing media giant Glenn Beck, whose main website The Blaze.com, in their 5 August article titled Blaze Debunk: Obama ‘Regime’ Rumored to Shoot Down F-16s Sent to White House in Retaliation for Emails Exposing Colin Powell’s Alleged Affair, written by their technology and science editor Liz Klimas, and extensively commented on by their editor in chief Scott Baker [see video HERE], refuses to acknowledge the Obama regimes actions in shooting down two of their own military planes, while at the same (extremely contradictory) time saying the Obama regime is covering up the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Even worse, in their attack on our previous report, the minions of Glenn Beck failed at even the most rudimentary level to explain to either their readers or listeners (said to be in the millions) even the most basic truths of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal, our mission, or even our purpose for being.
To how the United States can survive such hypocrisy coming from such influential media figures like Glenn Beck, and from too many left-leaning other such media types to even mention, is readily apparent in the appeal made by these two American generals pleading for Russian help to overthrow their present regime.
Should the Powell-Carter coup-plotters be successful in their overthrowing of the Obama regime, however, it remains to be seen. But, and perhaps, even more important is that should they fail, their efforts will be kept from the American people (especially by the Glenn Beck types) like was done in 1933 when the Business Plot Coup nearly overthrew the Franklin Roosevelt regime, but which to this day no American school child or college student is allowed to know about.
The same, however, cannot be said of President Carter, who just last month declared to his fellow citizens that “democracy was dead” in America… and now by being backed by General Powell, anything is possible…and much sooner than many can even know.
Dramatic Video Shows Michael Hastings' Fiery Crash
A dramatic video showing the fiery single-car crash that killed Michael Hastings has emerged.
The grainy video comes from a surveillance camera outside Pizzeria Mozza on Highland Avenue and Melrose not far from the crash site. Michael Krikorian, a writer and the boyfriend of Mozza's owner Nancy Silverton, turned the video over to LAPD not long after the crash but he only released the video publicly on his own website yesterday.
Hastings, 33, was driving south on Highland Avenue when he crashed into palm trees in a median on June 18. It's clear from the video that Hastings' Mercedes-Benz coupe was going incredibly fast. It's hard to tell, but it look like his brake lights flicker shortly before the crash. The car bursts into flames almost instantly. The engine was found 200 feet from the scene of the crash.
Before he released it, Krikorian wrote about the video and explores the possibilities of any conspiracy theories for the site whowhatwhy.com. (The LAPD ruled that there was no foul play.) He estimates that Hastings was going twice as fast as anyone else in surveillance footage says the brilliant flash is "reminiscent of fireballs from 'Shock and Awe' images from Baghdad in 2003."
Here were some of his frame-by-frame observations about the video:
The grainy video comes from a surveillance camera outside Pizzeria Mozza on Highland Avenue and Melrose not far from the crash site. Michael Krikorian, a writer and the boyfriend of Mozza's owner Nancy Silverton, turned the video over to LAPD not long after the crash but he only released the video publicly on his own website yesterday.
Hastings, 33, was driving south on Highland Avenue when he crashed into palm trees in a median on June 18. It's clear from the video that Hastings' Mercedes-Benz coupe was going incredibly fast. It's hard to tell, but it look like his brake lights flicker shortly before the crash. The car bursts into flames almost instantly. The engine was found 200 feet from the scene of the crash.
Before he released it, Krikorian wrote about the video and explores the possibilities of any conspiracy theories for the site whowhatwhy.com. (The LAPD ruled that there was no foul play.) He estimates that Hastings was going twice as fast as anyone else in surveillance footage says the brilliant flash is "reminiscent of fireballs from 'Shock and Awe' images from Baghdad in 2003."
Here were some of his frame-by-frame observations about the video:
Highland has a very slight rise and fall at its intersection with Melrose. It’s difficult to tell by the film, but based on tire marks—which were not brake skid marks, by the way—chalked by the traffic investigators, it seems that the Mercedes may have been airborne briefly as it crossed the intersection, then landed hard. Tire marks were left about 10 feet east of the restaurant’s valet stand.
(Later, I drove the intersection at just 45 mph, and my car rose up significantly.)
About 100 feet after the car zooms by on the tape, it starts to swerve. At about 195 feet from the camera, the car jumps the curb of the center median, heading toward a palm tree 56 feet away.
About halfway between the curb and the tree, the car hits a metal protrusion—perhaps 30 inches tall and 2 feet wide—that gives access to city water mains below. This is where the first small flash occurs. This pipe may have damaged the undercarriage of the car, perhaps rupturing a fuel line.
I looked at the tape frame by frame. A second flash immediately follows the first. It might be the brake lights, but it's hard to tell. The next frame is dark. Then comes the first explosion, followed immediately by a large fireball.Krikorian said he briefly considered selling the video to TMZ for a cash payout but decided that he would feel sleazy making money off of Hastings' death.
http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2013/06/endgame-death-of-michael-hastings.html And now we come to Endgame:
Brown began looking into Endgame Systems, an information security firm that seemed particularly concerned about staying in the shadows. “Please let HBGary know we don’t ever want to see our name in a press release,” one leaked e-mail read. One of its products, available for a $2.5 million annual subscription, gave customers access to “zero-day exploits”—security vulnerabilities unknown to software companies—for computer systems all over the world. Business Week published a story on Endgame in 2011, reporting that “Endgame executives will bring up maps of airports, parliament buildings, and corporate offices. The executives then create a list of the computers running inside the facilities, including what software the computers run, and a menu of attacks that could work against those particular systems.” For Brown, this raised the question of whether Endgame was selling these exploits to foreign actors and whether they would be used against computer systems in the United States. Shortly thereafter, the hammer came down.For more on Endgame, see this piece in Defense News:
Endgame Systems is a secretive cyber company with an intriguing specialty. The firm’s chief product, software called Bonesaw, is a “cyber targeting application” that tracks servers and routers worldwide, mapping the hardware attached to the Web.The head of Endgame is a young fellow named Nathaniel Fick, whose service as a Marine in Iraq was dramatized in the HBO series Generation Kill. Fick seems to be one of those Special Chosen Ones. You know the kind. From an early age, the fates select these rare individuals for great things; before a single grey hair has sprouted on their heads, they get tapped to run intelligence agencies or spy-tech private firms.
These are the access points through which the National Security Agency, Cyber Command and other U.S. agencies, could launch operations against adversaries and threats.
We've been seeing a lot of Special Chosen Ones lately.
So that's what Brown was poking into, and that's why the feds got him out of the way by tossing him into the pokey on bullshit charges. It's a pretty fair bet that his buddy Hastings decided to pick up where Brown left off.
That's when he got slammed in the face by the mailed fist of Pure Coincidence.
But, Aug 11, 2013? What's really going on and going to happen ... ?!
A major event is set to
occur worldwide in August 2013 that will affect everything on the
planet. I am not an alarmist but I am alarmed. An expert will tell
about it , evidence it will occur and how you can take immediate steps
to save your family and friends. Also, why the powers that be have been
preparing for 20 years for their own survival but not yours.
Encourage everyone you really care about to listen to this on archive. We have no more time - the time is now.
Call 1-347-677-0623 to listen. Anyone can catch the rebroadcast on the archived section.
Encourage everyone you really care about to listen to this on archive. We have no more time - the time is now.
Call 1-347-677-0623 to listen. Anyone can catch the rebroadcast on the archived section.
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