Insider Blows the Whistle On DHS Takeover Plan
Why would the U.S. government need a mock U.S. town at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas?
operated by electronics and hydraulics is used in training sessions to
add a more realistic feel.
(Photo: Intellihub.com)
Infowars.com August 4, 2013
Editors Note: I want to preface this article by giving a very special thanks to the brave individuals who obtained exclusive photographs of the facility, leaking the initial report to our agency.
Carnis Village is what the Army National Guard calls it. A mock American town which even contains dummy citizens for domestic training purposes. Located on the grounds of the Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center, the massive training compound is likely a dead-ringer clue foreshadowing the grim path we are now traversing as a nation.
No longer are we free, “Big Brother” lurks around every corner, further pushing the populace into submission. In fact, it’s now widely accepted that cameras are everywhere, watching every facet of our lives, tracking us in real-time.
We also notice the massive police state presence that has been ramping up. Free humans are not even allowed to photograph or film in public anymore in some cases. What ever happened to the concept of photography or journalism? Avenues that are being blocked by the globalists now on all levels.
While likely all of this is a forced conditioning procedure implemented on the populace by the powers-that-be, we as free thinking individuals need to recognize the warning signs and dangers that are swiftly pulling us into an unstoppable downward spiral as a nation.
Now, upon publication of this exclusive Intellihub.com expose’, the U.S. Army has some explaining to do regarding this massive training facility which sits adjacent to the city of Forth Smith, alongside the Arkansas River. The facility is currently active and is in use by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), military and other domestic agencies.
While the military may be able to explain away this facility for use in overseas training, DHS and other domestic agencies simply can not. CONTINUE>> PICS WORTH 10000000S 'WORDS' CLICK LINK HERE<<

All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months
Last updated on July 24, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative NewsRight on schedule, banking systems are collapsing and will result in the elimination of all debt, according to Bix Weir, who has 30 years experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies.
As mentioned numerous times on In5D, we are currently under the energies of Pluto In Capricorn, which will continue to bring an end to all sources of control and manipulation, including the banking systems, governments and religion. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and, right on schedule, we saw the collapse of hundreds of banks.
For those who question the power of how astrological alignments dictate what is happening right now, look no further than the last time when Pluto was in Capricorn. During that time period, we saw both the French and American Revolutions. If you look around the world, there are revolutions either currently going on or are about to explode, so it is NOT a coincidence that we are seeing this happen once again.
"We are at a point in our system and in the manipulation where there are people within the Fed, and within our government, who are ready to pull the plug on the game and basically crash the system," stated Weir.
Many people will question whether this is a controlled demolition of the financial system in order to

Right now in the United States, the U.S. debt is more than all of the money on the planet so it is impossible to repay. The only other solution is to eliminate all debt and create a new asset based currency that does not rely on creating money out of thin air.
During the last bailout in 2008 after the housing boom, we saw a huge derivatives explosion which is due to crash the system in a few months. Derivatives are basically when a bank sells the obligation of the mortgage holder to another company and in essence, bets on the failure of the homeowner to fall into foreclosure. There is no way the Fed can bailout the trillions of dollars in derivatives so the only other option will be to eliminate all debt and create an asset based currency.
The Fed still continues to pump fiat currency into a rising stock market that should have begun collapsing in 2008, create a false sense of security for those who have stocks. This too, will collapse.
Also see: World Bank Whistleblower: All Currency Is On The Brink Of Collapse
Will this happen in other countries as well?
Once the big banks fall in the United States, all other banks will follow. Weir stated, "If you take down the banks, you take down every individual checking, savings, 401K (etc...). Everyone holds their money in banks, even the brokerage houses. The derivative situation is such a mess that once a couple of those big banks go (under), every other counter party will fall, too. So you're looking at a complete wipeout of all debts in all banks."Greg Hunter added that we have $10.8 trillion in deposits with (only) $33 billion in the FDIC deposit insurance fund and a line of credit worth $100 billion in the Treasury. In other words, there isn't anywhere near enough money to back all of the depositors. Weir added that the FDIC also insures all of the derivatives for JP Morgan and the Bank of America for hundreds of trillions of dollars.
What will happen to any money we have in the bank?

Weir added, "The people who will lose out the most are those people who are completely out of debt with a savings account in a bank that they thought was AAA rated."
When will this happen?
According to Weis, the collapse should happen anytime from August to October of this year.Will Federal Reserve notes be honored until the new currency arrives?
According to Weir, he believes that this would be a good plan but it would only work for those who have physical Federal Reserve notes versus having money in the bank, "at least for a little while."Gold and silver
Hunter added to be sure to buy rolls of quarters and half dollars because they are printed by the
As his number one investment, Weir recommended to buy pre-1965 silver coins because "everybody will be scrambling for gold and silver. It would be the last theoretical form of money that people have. People are starting to wake up now and when they can't get money out of their bank that defaulted, that's when you're really going to se people scrambling for physical gold and silver in your possession."
The moment the banks are no longer manipulating the gold and silver market is the moment that these metals go "limit up. You will not really know the price of silver and gold for a while because it's the anti-dollar."
Redistribution and reallocation of money
The US Dollar is the longest lasting currency that is not backed by assets and history will dictate, every previous currency that was not backed by assets has collapsed.In the United States, people will receive new currency based on how much money they paid into Social Security, where those who worked the hardest and paid into Social Security while those who are young and working will get more as they work more.
At this time, it is unclear how other countries will allocate and redistribute money.
The elimination of debt should create numerous immediate benefits, such as the significant lowering of rent due to the owner no longer having debt on his building, house or apartment along with a lower cost of goods and services for the same reason. In other words, prices for everything will drop significantly from what we are paying today.
According to Weir, it might take "a few weeks to reallocate money" so there might be a transition period where grocery stores and other businesses may temporarily close. You want to be sure to have enough food and water stored up to cover you and your family for up to several months.
"The government knows that this is going down quickly. These banks cannot survive much longer.
They are literally on their knees and the main stream media is not going to tell you about it, but in the financial world, we all know about it."
1. Israel/Palestine and the Queer International – A Book Review by Gilad Atzmon

Israel/Palestine and the Queer International, a new book by writer/professor Sarah Schulman, tells the story of Schulman’s transformation from a “Jewish, lesbian New Yorker” into a “Cosmopolitan queer and avid BDS[1] advocate.” Her book is a must read—and not because it offers original ideological or political outlook, not at all. Schulman actually provides us with a unique and invaluable window into Jewish secular progressive thought. It unveils the structure of LGBT[2] politics and its operation within the Palestinian solidarity movement. Schulman also provides the reader some crucial and juicy references to the direct involvement of George Soros’ network in promoting a gay rights revolution in the Arab world in general, and in Iran and Egypt in particular.
Schulman is a fluent writer, her narration is smooth and flowing. But more than anything, she is astonishingly honest in her attempt to describe her journey. Indeed, her genuine openness is almost suicidal at times. This fact alone may explain why, despite its sensational title, her book has received little attention from the usually loud Jewish progressive network.
In the very beginning of the book, Schulman provides us with an amazing confession most Jews would prefer to shove far under the carpet.
“We were raised with two Yiddish concepts about Christians: kopf and punim. Yiddishe kopf and Goyishe kopf. To say that someone had a Yiddishe kopf (A Jewish mind) was to say admiringly that he was a genius, that he was analytical and conceptual and an original thinker. To say that someone had a goyishe kopf was to say that he was dull-witted, conformist and slow” (p. 2).
One must admit that only rarely do Jews volunteer such intimate information that confirms the depth of racism and supremacy embedded within Jewish culture.
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2. BBC Persia / Gilad Atzmon HardTalk- The Transcription
02.08.2013 transcript

GA: Not at all. I am interested in Jewish identity politics. How do you define anti-Semitism?!
BBC: I am asking because you are frequently accused of being anti-Semitic.
GA: This is a common tactic used by Zionist and Jewish anti-Zionists to silence opposition to Israel, to Zionism, to Jewish politics, to Jewish power.
BBC: In the conclusion to your book The Wandering Who... it seems you are criticising not only the government; the state, but people because of their religion.
GA: No. I make a clear distinction:
(1) those who identify themselves as Jews because they follow the Torah,
(2) those because they have Jewish ancestry,
(3) and thirdly, those who identify themselves as Jews primarily, a problematic political identity.
Chaim Weizmann, first Israeli President, announced there are no British Jews, American Jews, French Jews. There are only Jews who live in America; live in Britain; live in France. Being a Jew was a primary category. This is the heart of Zionism. On the other hand we have Jewish anti-Zionists who, rather than call themselves anti-Zionists who happen to be Jews, call themselves Jewish anti-Zionists. For them also, being Jewish is a primary category. In my book I try to concentrate on this third category. I try to ask, what does it mean? Most of them are not religious at all. Zionism is not a religious movement; it is a secular movement. According to American historian, Yuri Slezkine, the (Jewish) Bund operating in Eastern Europe as a Marxist apparatus, wasn’t religious, it was a secular, atheist movement and the catalyst in the destruction of the Ukraine people; Stalin’s willing executioners; referred to as Bolsheviks, nothing to do with Judaism.
BBC: If you criticise the Jewish culture, tradition, identity, you are basically for the whole annihilation of the whole of Judaism altogether.
GA: You already contradict yourself. I don’t criticise Jewish tradition. If Jews want to eat chicken soup, I like chicken soup myself, but it (chicken soup) is not a political concept. When it comes to culture, what is it that I criticise? Chosenness; supremacy, the idea that we are the chosen people. In my book I make it clear, that from a religious Jewish perspective, chosenness is a burden; the Jews are demanded to stand as a moral exemplary case.
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