Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jeb Bush | POTUS #45?! | Brain Worms Cause Insanity: Global War On Terror; Today it is apparent that 95% of all diseases are caused by parasites and/or toxins

America is closer and closer to ITS' perfect dream come true??  but, what about the awakening of the model GLOBAL FACES on DIGITAL BOOK'?!  >http://www.theartof12.blogspot.com/2014/12/facebook-2015-just-say-no-and-they-have.html<
George W. Bush is DRUNK at the GAMES IN "CHINA"!  Really.  Not George the poly-addict.  And, sitting below the UPSIDE DOWN FLAG USA IN DISTRESS ARE:  HEINZ AND NANCY KISSINGER.  SCARY?!  Looking as they should, could and would and do, DEAD from too many parasites in the brains and other ? acts of degradation spreading the PAEDOPHILIA OF THE METZITZAH B'PEH  >> 
metzitzah b’peh, *drawing blood from baby’s penis the circumciser uses his mouth .. Naomi Reice Buchwald .. USDC Judge .. AMPLE medical evidence *direct oral suction* places infants at a serious risk of herpes infection .. evidence parents .. unaware MBP circumcision .. regulation plainly addresses .. legitimate societal concerns, Buchwald wrote, according to Reuters .. In 2003 - 2004, three babies, including set of twins, infected .. Type 1 herpes; cases linked to circumcision, one boy died.  *See Gilad Atzmon, "Jewish Blood Sacrifice"  his book THE WANDERING WHO



New York BAR #1064252:  NAOMI REICE BUCHWALD, U S DISTRICT JUDGE, US COURT HOUSE, 500 PEARL ST, NEW YORK, NY 10007-1316, (212) 805-0194, Year Admitted in NY:  1968, Law School:  COLUMBIA  ... to be continued .. POST 12/02/2014, 10:10AM artOf12

George W. Bush, "Jr." acted criminally insane and caused what he now says was "a mistake".  Hanging Saddam, the Iraq Leader, cannot be a memory other than acknowledging that GWB-JR, was a puppet POTUS#43.  As is also, Barry Soetero or Barack Hussein Obama POTUS#44.  America lives in think tanks that are owned via wanted war criminals.  Heinz and now add the brain dead, ALL, to the equation of what has been leading America into Ghetto Hell Earth.

Parasite tells brain to destroy itself, AND look-see brain minds the operator error ?? Or, the design is via design ??

TIME?  Humans' MINDS WHOLLY NOT HOLES IN THE TISSUE 'BRAIN' decision is decided via the/a majority:  rid the parasite$ of criminally insane digital 'money' fraud from the brain chemistry (imagination), and the stomach also, pharmaceuticals and the elements controlled (air-water-fire-earth-metal) cause the good bacteria to be all gone, too.  And, name a product not Made In The USA not designed to destroy the brain-mind-body-spirit-soul.  What monsters, which criminally insane, who controls the experimentation in the labs earth bound?!

1 comment:

  1. KOCH and BUSH are wedded and that is MONSANTO "FAUX FOOD" a DEADLY WEAPON! How close is JEB BUSH TO DOROTHY "DORO" BUSH? Brother and Sister of George H.W. Bush "SR". Now, HOW ABOUT KISSINGER & ASSOCIATES!
