Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hugo Chavez Killed Via: ARRRRRGGGGGH

Did the NSA Kill Hugo Chavez?

Can you imagine if Washington since 1948 was experimenting with radiation as a weapon of political assassination, would have come this far in the twenty-first century technology.


A secret State Department cable of January 31, 1976 warned of the serious health effects caused by radioactive microwaves used by the KGB to spy on the U.S. Embassy in Moscow: “Our medical experts are of the view that prolonged exposure to microwave radioactivelevels measured at the Embassy of the United States constitute a threat to health. “

However, Washington proceeded to develop more powerful tools and with greater frequency radiation espionage. <<

[sidebar:  Of course America has used radiation as a control weapon since IT was discovered to do what IT can do.  In 1948, Keisler Air Force Base, Mississippi, and a birth happened.  The hospital wanted to use ITS' new radiation machine and so IT did.  Little girl babies as the second born in military families were to be sterilized - radiation the new wonder machine to do the job.

America Recruiting-Rogue-Rhinos-Raw-Robed-Gavel-Global-Goons-Government-Ghettos-Hells  ARRRRRGGGGGH is a mighty force to reckon.  How to take the 'energy' of ARRRRRGGGGGH and make IT HGGGGGRRRRRA in the alchemy of balance  ??

Radiation cripples the immune system, but of course, AND especially at less than six (6) months of being born.

Life moves in the direction of learning about life.  Spider bite, 1983.  Radiation poisoning really gets to be addressed since a new poison of serious toxic level (Brown Recluse spider), enters physical body at the/a main meridian of the heart -- the thumb (right hand) crease of first bend of the right thumb.   Ten (10) years of a 'healing crises'.  What a lesson.  Tai Chi the reality of how to strengthen the immune system which is first in the mind, all systems of energy first are in our minds.]

.. to be continued ...

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