Thursday, January 16, 2014

Things cannot be dumbed down any further, warn experts: Of course NOT, the Criminally Insane Automatons (CIA) don't need food or slaves that are higher intelligence

Black Listed News

Source: Orwell Was Right

How long until the Rock becomes too pretentious for mainstream audiences? It won't be long before all movie scripts will be required to use only monosyllabic words. Although many studios have already adopted this practice voluntarily.

Via The Daily Mash:
CULTURE is reaching a point of maximum dumbness, it has been claimed. 

Professor Henry Brubaker said: “Most television is about cooking, the paranormal or poor people having arguments.

The news is just opinions punctuated with pictures of ‘extreme weather’. Researchers at the Institute for Studies have warned that it will soon be impossible to dumb down news and entertainment media any further.

“The only books being published are ghost-written celebrity biographies or thrillers about serial killers called things like ‘The Face Collector’. Apart from that people just read lists of ’10 facts about muscle growth’ off websites.

“The problem is that although our culture cannot get any stupider, human intelligence may continue on its downward trajectory.

“The result will be a world in which nobody understands anything. Even a film about The Rock driving a jeep into explosions will leave viewers confused and angry at its pretentiousness.”

However TV channel boss Mary Fisher said: “Don’t worry, I’ve just commissioned Jamie & Jimmy’s Paranormal Antiques Auction Sex News.

“And I’m confident we can go even lower. We must keep striving to find new depths of idiocy.”

[sidebar:  The Criminally Insane Automatons (CIA) don't want their animals to be smart enough to talk about the fact, that, the animals are also human beings that the CIA can't recognize as their own species OR, the CIA is of another DNA construct?!

Copyright, Roberta Kelly, 01/15/14, 9Houses Cultivation (Example, #2 is at back of head LEFT, 'CROWN' is where the CHI GONG Points are found)

We've nine (9) compartments in our brain.  The #5 is where the CRYSTAL PALACE is, or the PITUITARY.  Now this PINE CONE is seen in MOVIES and in the HISTORICAL collection of time past, as a very valuable commodity.  PRIESTS and KINGS and other such human CIA have the PINE CONE securely OWNED via the CIA.  When the Pituitary Gland has been COMPROMISED, then the endocrine system is too.  When the endocrine system is confused we do not have a system of human being operating at the higher levels of being a mysterious miracle that the VATICAN Et Al want to own as ITS' special 'animal'.

Begin with gift compartment number one.  Take the hands and form a BEAK and gather energy to breathe into #1 and then to #2 and #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9.  Nine breathing spiral energies and awaken the brain to free the PINE CONE from the Vatican and ITS' vile evil CIA.  Videos are to be forthcoming of the practices of Cultivation of the Nine Houses and Earth Style Tai Chi, Et Al, Et Cetera!]

.. to be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. PINE CONE. See the films of HOLLY WOOD and then understand the most valuable power of the human IS the 'Pituitary" and IMAGINATION via the "Pine Cone"!
