Friday, January 3, 2014

Obama’s impeachment might become a reality in 2014: DNC raises fear in new email ~ The Craziest CIA Operations That The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About ~ Pendulum Swinging In Balance W/ Universe?

[sidebar #1:  search engine GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT CENTERS, and see the ARCHITECTURE in U$A, ie GlobalGovU$A]
The Craziest CIA Operations That The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About

The Craziest CIA Operations That The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Whether you realize it or not, the Central Intelligence Agency is controlling everything around you. Otherwise known as the CIA, these are the guys responsible for gathering any and all information going on throughout the world. They keep all matters of business in check, even if it’s not their business in the first place. But what does this mean for us? Well, everything.

They are essentially pulling all of the strings. Their authority is truly far-reaching and overrides most common sense. Former CIA Director William Colby was quoted as once saying, “The CIA owns everyone of major significance in the major media.” He isn’t lying either.

It’s their duty to protect the well being of their citizens, even if that means hurting them. We all know that the U.S. will go out of their way to run things the way they want. And most of the time, that means some dirty play is involved.

While they have chilled out in recent years, don’t expect them to just slow their role down completely. They’re still very much active and better at cleaning up their tracks than ever before. So the next time you are shocked at an unexplainable event or tragedy, just remember — it’s not always what it seems.

The Centralized Intelligence may just be behind it. Don’t believe me? Check out the different ways they’ve manipulated the public in the past. These are the craziest CIA operations that the government doesn’t want you to know about.

continue >> Project Pigeon (1944)  >> >>

AND, Rights

  • In 2014, the Democratic National Committee wants you to vote Democrat – if only so you can protect President Obama from being impeached. An email sent out Saturday evening explicitly raises the fear that the president could be removed from office if enough Republicans take control of Congress, the Daily Caller reported.
  • The notice – entitled “Impeachment” in the subject line – was sent to Obama for America supporters and featured quotes from Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich., and Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, who raise the possibility of impeaching the president on grounds of alleged presidential misconduct.
  • “Republicans are actually excited about the idea,” the email says, according to the Daily Caller. “Show these Republicans that they are way, way off base and give President Obama a Congress that has his back.”
  • Rhetoric aside, no representative has introduced an inquiry of impeachment to the House Judiciary Committee or introduced a bill of impeachment since President Obama took office in 2009. Democratic desires to remove George W. Bush from office were famously squashed shortly after the party regained the House in 2006, when then-incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said impeachment was “off the table.”
  • Only Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton have been impeached, but both were acquitted in the Senate and were permitted to finish out their terms.
  • And it is worth noting that the DNC, which recently expanded its political tactics to include boycotting independent news outlets, previously supported the last president to be impeached: Bill Clinton.
  • Obama’s staff changed key talking points on the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack; his Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative groups during the 2012 election cycle; and Obama personally lied to the American people when he told them that they could keep their existing doctors and health insurance plans under Obamacare.
  • Obama’s expansion of executive branch authority is “setting the stage for something very dangerous in the future” according to Republican Rep. Justin Amash.

PM to Putin after Volgograd attacks: Countries must work together to eradicate terrorism
  • The dual terrorist attacks in Volgograd serve as an urgent reminder for all peace loving countries to join forces in fighting terrorism, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

  • Netanyahu’s words came in a condolence message he sent the Russian people following terrorist attacks in the south-eastern Russian city, once known as Stalingrad,  that killed more than 30 people, and wounded scores more.

  • “These despicable attacks are a painful reminder of the urgent need for all peace-loving nations to join forces in a concerted effort to eradicate the most dangerous sources of terrorism,” Netanyahu wrote. “I have no doubt that the residents of Volgograd continue to demonstrate resilience, determination and courage for which they are known. Our thoughts and prayers with you and the Russian people at this trying time. “
Ex-CIA Officer: Putin Must Tread Carefully after Terrorist Attacks
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin must tread carefully in responding to domestic terrorist attacks with the 2014 Sochi Olympics on the horizon, former CIA officer Peter Brookes told Fox News’ “Happening Now.”

  • “(Putin’s) not saying much right now. I think there is reason for that. He wants to be very cautious. He doesn’t want to turn visitors or heads of state . . . or even athletes, from coming to Sochi in the coming days,” Brookes, also a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said Monday.

  • “This is a major event for Russia. It’s not only a domestic audience for Putin. He wants to look as the leader of the country. But, it’s also an international event,” he said.

  • Two separate bombings in a 24-hour period rocked Volgograd, in southern Russia. The first killed 17 people in a railway station Sunday, and the second blast targeted a trolley bus a day later, killing 14. Similarities in the bombings indicated they could be related, but no group claimed responsibility.

  • Brookes suggested Chechnyan Islamic militants from the Caucasus region were behind the attacks. He said they had sought an independent Islamist state and had recently “decided to target civilians, as well as the Olympics.”

  • The Olympics are set to begin Feb. 7 in Sochi in southern Russia. Brookes said the back-to-back attacks had already succeeded in seeming to cast a pall over the Olympics. He said he thought the Chechnyans had the advantage “because of the possibilities for a public relations victory for them.”

  • “Russia looks insecure. Putin looks bad. And, it’s going to be very difficult for them to react in a way that will not make the situation worse, while at the same time providing security for the people of Russia and all those people coming to Sochi,” he said.

  • Brookes called terrorism a “psychological game.” During the Olympics, he suggested terrorists do not have to target the Olympic site at Sochi “to make an international splash.”

  • “While the Olympics are going on, they could attack Volgograd again. They could attack Moscow. They could attack St. Petersburg,” Brookes said.

Police State

[sidebar #2:  IQ, EQ, think with heart - feel with head -- intuition, and whatever we HUMANS can birth in the powers unseen seen to be ready for this and these 'most interesting times'.  Putin and Russia according to sources are being 'tested', so to speak.  The Saudis and Israel and the Americans too, want NATO to be THE GLOBAL POLICE.  China and Russia don't choose to bow down.

What is SEER to do?  See this as beak-to-beak and toe-to-toe time of supreme bigger than the ? which one, we can't know:  yet.

Sentient understanding?  Expect the worst from the worst of our species that have proven mass murder 'depopulation' is an ongoing agenda and those that are supremacists aren't in the slightest attached to the idea of celebrating a higher life form.  Subterranean, subhuman are the wounded souls never to be healed in the filling lightness of 'life'.  Wars without end criminally insane addiction can't be cured?

Old CIA told me, the 'new guys' aren't anything like the 'honorable old guys'.  "New guys are complete MERCENARIES'.  That's what happens to the continuance in the department of making dehumanization into the only way to get to be paid to live in earth.]

.. to be continued ...


  1. Going into the deeper probe of the GOV U$ and what do we find? How shocking the MOVIE SNOWDEN is just that. CIA covers up whatever IT needs to, to keep the cover up of shadow GOV pigment challenged in the light.

  2. What is 'pigment challenged in the light'? GHOST TURDS, SPOOKS WITHOUT ANY TRACE EXCEPT WHAT IT WANTS the fool/s to follow!

  3. Americans and the wallowing in self pity! GET UP 'MERICA pick those bootstraps out of the FIRE and burn the plantation down!
