Friday, January 3, 2014

Roosevelt's Four Freedoms & Dr. Robert P. Abele's “Democratic Dictatorship”: The Transition towards Authoritarian Rule in America, Etc


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THE NEW YORK JEWISH CROWD WANTED Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt to be President. The Roosevelts were a wealthy group of NY socialites. Theodore Roosevelt Sr. (”Teddy” Roosevelt’s father) inherited the multi-million dollar family business, “Roosevelt & Son,” importers of plate glass. 

January 03, 2014, Global Research,   
“The first is freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want — which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants — everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear—which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor–anywhere in the world."

>> ... To demonstrate this rapid movement in U.S. government, we will use as a base Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” address to Congress, on January 6, 1941. By all rights, and regardless of FDR’s real intent (some say it was to garner support for U.S. involvement in WWII), very few would doubt that his elucidated four freedoms form an important base for understanding liberal democracy. Here are FDR’s own words, quoted at length (see above) ...  Dr. Robert P. Abele holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Marquette University He is the author of three-plus books: A User’s Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act (2005); The Anatomy of a Deception: A Logical and Ethical Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq (2009); Democracy Gone: A Chronicle of the Last Chapters of the Great American Democratic Experiment (2009); and a contributor of eleven chapters to the Encyclopedia of Global Justice, from The Hague: Springer Press (October, 2011). Dr. Abele is a professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College, located in Pleasant Hill, California in the San Francisco Bay area. His web site is

1 comment:

  1. Innocent into the world, born and then the mutilation is an APARTHEID, then the homicidal maniacal monsters seek to be whole, knowing innocence was violated and and and how to say what this horror really is? Metzitzah b'peh 'aka circumcision' is not ok in any century let alone 21. NATURE didn't 'goof' and religion isn't the abomination of the natural 'gift' born into earth for complete purpose. CLIFF HIGH and the Grand Penis Conspiracy a must listen to, for every man and woman in earth.
