Saturday, February 1, 2014

UPDATE, new WebCam from KAREN HUDES ... 'connect the dots' ... George Magnus ~Will the US dollar take-off this time? Mr. Magnus PREDICTED 2008 Subprime Mortgage CRA$H... mR. mAGNUS ... "we may be witnessing the early stages of a US dollar surge that could last until 2015 or so...."

... So far the US dollar has been a bashful bull, rising mainly against a bunch of emerging market currencies, such as those of Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia and South Africa  and of course against the Japanese Yen, and commodity currencies like the Australian and Canadian dollars. But provided the US economy, with all its continuing frailties especially in the labour market, can continue to eke out growth of 2-3% and keep deflation at arm’s length, we may be witnessing the early stages of a US dollar surge that could last until 2015 or so<<

UPDATE [sidebar:  Karen Hudes' is more reserved.  The information she began with compared to this webcam presentation is quite remarkable.  With the statement of Mr. Swiss in the know himself, MAGNUS and knowing the CREDIT COLLAPSE 2008, yes but of course the coarse raw hell was made for GHETTO SUBPRIME meltdown.  How sick are these so called 'bankers' ?  Too sick to be allowed to continue in the charade of being able to handle 'money'.

... before Karen's webcam presentation, this was said and makes perfect sense when connecting the dots of the top guy in the business of global knowing the CREDIT CRA$H of 2008:

Trade in the BULL PEN would say that this is a 'DEAD CAT BOUNCE', meaning the U$D is being propped up so to speak, long enough to get the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (FRS) out of the bulls eye target position that is going to be the reality for the FRS, when the "JURISPRUDENCE" realize there was no protection in the money sovereignty and so there.

Best get lots of 'money' invested into the old fashioned roll up sleeves and grow food, become farmers and heal this god forsaken ghetto hell via the deader than a doornail, FR$.]

.. to be continued ...


  1. Federal Reserve System (FRS) murdered the U$$, IT got dead via CREDIT and PAPER everywhere thrown from BEN'S HELICOPTER!

  2. When are the JURISPRUDENCE going to get that they don't have any real 'money'? JURISPRUDENCE GETS? The Federal Reserve System spent the 'money' and now America isn't going to have any real sovereignty until we decide how to be grown up and manufacture our own digital 'fraud', um, 'credit "debt"'.
