Monday, February 10, 2014

AMERICA: What Would Be THE Tap Root Rot To Cure? Right-Left-No-In-Between

GOP Incumbents Will Betray America End Of Year, By Devvy Kidd, 2-10-14
The Republican Party is cashing in on the epic disaster called Obamacare to get as many incumbents a win in the upcoming primaries and knock off as many Democractic/Communist Party USA incumbents in the House and Senate as possible this November. One issue, however, was about to derail plans of the GOP establishment elite who serve their foreign masters, the anti-American, anti-Amercian jobs U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mega corporations who fill their campaign coffers. Amnesty for liars, cheats and thieves - illegal aliens. Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, Goodlatte and others are little better than pimps for the aforementioned, but we the people pushed back hard.

Speaker John Boehner has shelved immigration "reform" (amnesty), for now. Why?

“Listen, there's widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce our laws. And it's going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes,” the Ohio Republican said at his weekly press conference. Immigrant rights groups were stunned at the reversal and warned of drastic electoral consequences among Hispanic voters if Republicans refuse to act. CNN released a poll Thursday that suggests voters care more about granting citizenship to illegal immigrants than they do about boosting border security."
I don't know who CNN called, but polls have shown for months immigration reform as a priority at about 3%: "Mr. Boehner’s new stance is more in line with many of his fellow House Republicans, who have questioned why party leaders are pushing for action on immigration when voters generally rank it low on their list of priorities." 

... This country's political system was comprised of businessmen. They were ranchers, farmers and merchants who had no political experience until they were elected to their state houses and then the U.S. Congress. Yet voters for decades look at their incumbent as the only choice even though a very qualified challenger is on the ballot. In 2012, despite the anger and rage blowing across this country, 95% of congressional incumbents - the very people destroying this country since they hold the majority in the House - won their primaries and the general election. 

... In 2010, about 92%. Here is the chart of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

People like Ann Coulter, Mike Huckabee and Gov. Scott Walker [WI] say we have to reelect those "safe" Republicans in order to hold the majority. They act like a qualified challenger in the primary can't beat a Democrat in 2014 with Obamacare as the poison sword every Republican can walk into office with. Shame on them for encouraging voters to vote for the same congressional incumbent who has stolen them blind in unconstitutional spending and will sell them out after they're safely reelected in November on the amnesty issue for back room deals.

I've got news for Republicans who want to keep the destroyers in office - incumbents lie. In 1994, incumbent Rep. Wally Herger, now retired with full pension and benefits, sent a letter to the farm bureau in his district: NAFTA was poison, a terrible "free" trade agreement. A week later, he sold out and voted for a bill that cost millions of American jobs and ruined people's lives. The people of his district went on to reeelct him ten more times despite his sickening voting record.

I've lived in W. Texas 8 years this June. I have never voted for the incumbent, Rep. Randy Neugebauer. This year he has several challengers, one very close to him in polls: Dr. Donald May showing 32.84% to Neugebauer's 39.5%. May has the worst web site I have ever seen for any candidate as far as design and navigation.. However, he is on the right track: "I will regularly write short, concise bills intended to incrementally take apart ObamaCare, the EPA, the IRS, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. I will trim the bloated welfare system. Money and power will be returned to the people and to the individual states where the Tenth Amendment tells us it belongs in the first place."

You can find out about all candidates for the primaries at Ballotpeida. Here is the list of dates for the upcoming primaries. Texas is first on March 4, 2014.

Dr. May will get my vote if he gives his solemn promise to vote against any form of amnesty. If May wins the primary, I feel confident he can also win the general election in November. Once newly elected congress critters are elected, then it's up to constituents to start working on he or she to get bills passed on the life and death, critical issues. Speaking of critical issues, there is now a permanent post on the front page of my web site with the tools everyone needs on the most critical issues. Towards the bottom are three bills millions of us have been fighting to get introduced in the U.S. House that are getting no support from we the people because they don't know about them. Please take the time to get over there and read the post and then spread the word using social media and email lists.

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© 2014 - and Devvy - All Rights Reserved

[sidebar:   My experience in America, more often than not, is the RIGHT and LEFT are definitely not siblings who have grown up in the same healthy family with the same healthy environment and home and of course then, the healthy boundaries of understanding true critical thinking.  Whew.

Too much experimentation.  Devvy Kidd is obviously an intelligent person and she is well educated in the RIGHTS' that are inalienably ours' to claim.  However, just as with the CITY OF LIBERAL PORTLAND, there is this rigidity of deciding how the best operation of life is to be 'executed'.

We have an internet and Devvy Kidd could open herself to a LEFT audience and then the RIGHT people could begin the communication necessary.  Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, and name an ISM that doesn't do what ISMS do, separate into a faction of some ideology or another.

I perceive the CONGRESS to be parasites that have destroyed the host.  Now the portfolios to retire are filled with weapons, LEFT AND RIGHT, and on the story goes of the APARTHEID-GENOCIDE.

Right and Left need to realize the body isn't split in half until the OLD TESTAMENT "Solomon" was a story that can be now at long last, revisited as too outdated to be other than a memory of barbarism.

IMMIGRANTS are here because America's GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR and the BUSH RIGHT CRIMINALLY INSANE CULT OF PAEDOPHILES, have driven 'immigrants' to America for labor cheaper than the Middle Class was expecting.

Why won't the RIGHT admit the BUSH CRIME FAMILY is responsible for the RIGHT to be not exactly working as though the body politic has other parts to make up the whole.]

.. to be continued ...


  1. Education taught in America taught separate levels of NO THINKING. The intention was to get what we have and we had best get to THINKING CRITICALLY before ITS' too late!

  2. Go to our right, go to our left, we are still left with a DIVIDED NATION and that's because we haven't figured out the MONEY STRENGTH solution, see KAREN HUDES Devvy Kidd!

  3. Americans have been kept in a dark place for years, since about 1900, and earlier actually. The WARS are our clue. BANKSTERS and all for the KING/S of Jerusalem. Finely tuned the criminally insane.
