Netty still given US the runaround, given US the runaround
Gonna Voo Doo Your Coo Coo Netty still given US the runaround
Clown hear inside your head all you do do doo doo Voo Doo Your Coo Coo YaHu
Given US the runaround still given US the runaround
Revolution abound astound You're being given Your own runaround
Mantra screaming brain chemistry drain same ole stuffing inside Your runaround
Still born Metzitzah b'peh Your runaround
Voo Doo You YaHu and all the mental film blinded in the dark room
Coyote Howlin too YaHu see You In Voo Doo Sleep Walkin In To You You & Absolutely Clean Through Your Runaround
Given U$ the runaround, given U$ the runaround, night time - day time - dream/$ nightmare/$ are all around in the runaround 1pub 2013, c rkelly
>> << how to ALCHEMY 'runaround' & all criminally insane 'plantations'
Voo Doo the Coo Coo before the YaHu blows up the world & REVOLUTION the runaround
ReplyDeleteTrust What Yahoo ! Your words 1000 worth the picture you are such a runaround yea, turnaround the words you King of Jews Self Proclaimed Yahu