Saturday, October 25, 2014

YJA Star militia ("Union of Free Women", with the "star" symbolizing Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar) | The brave women of Kobani - where Syrian Kurds are desperately fighting ISIS/ISIL/Daesh - are about to be betrayed by the "international community" | CORPORATE FASCISTS USA Guilty of Treason


The brave women of Kobani - where Syrian Kurds are desperately fighting ISIS/ISIL/Daesh - are about to be betrayed by the "international community". These women warriors, apart from Caliph Ibrahim's goons, are also fighting treacherous agendas by the US, Turkey and the administration of Iraqi Kurdistan. So what's the real deal in Kobani?

Let's start by talking about Rojava. The full meaning of Rojava - the three mostly Kurdish provinces of northern Syria - is conveyed in this editorial (in Turkish) published by jailed activist Kenan Kirkaya. He argues that Rojava is the home of a "revolutionary model" that no less than challenges "the hegemony of the capitalist, nation-state system" - way beyond its regional "meaning for Kurds, or for Syrians or Kurdistan.",%20sadece%20bir%20y?n%20tayini%20de?ildir&action=haber_detay&module=nuce

Kobani - an agricultural region - happens to be at the epicenter of this non-violent experiment in democracy, made possible by an arrangement early on during the Syrian tragedy between Damascus and Rojava (you don't go for regime change against us, we leave you alone). Here, for instance, it's argued that "even if only a single aspect of true socialism were able to survive there, millions of discontented people would be drawn to Kobani."

In Rojava, decision-making is via popular assemblies - multicultural and multi-religious. The top three officers in each municipality are a Kurd, an Arab and an Assyrian or Armenian Christian; and at least one of these three must be a woman. Non-Kurd minorities have their own institutions and speak their own languages.

Among a myriad of women's and youth councils, there is also an increasingly famous feminist army, the YJA Star militia ("Union of Free Women", with the "star" symbolizing Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar). a myriad of women's and youth councils, there is also an increasingly famous feminist army, the YJA Star militia ("Union of Free Women", with the "star" symbolizing Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar).  

and, >< 

Federal Reserve Bank (Inc.) A Murderous History? Banksters, the Worlds Worst Gangsters | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Webpage discovered by Rockclimber!
  • May 1, 1776 Jesuit Professor Adam Weishaupt who was retained by Rothschild's completes world dominance plan.
  • 1776-1790: U.S. Independence - Free Banking -no formal central bank.
  • 1791-1811: First Bank of the United States.
  • 1816-1836: Second Bank of the United States.
  • 1837-1862: Free Banking Era -no formal central bank.
  • 1862-1913: System of National Banks (Consequence of Lincoln's War).
  • 1914-crrent: A consortium of 12 privately held banks called the Federal Reserve Bank. The largest share holder of the bank are the Rothschild's of London.
The accomplishments of the Rothschild's and fellow banksters is nothing short of astonishing. They have literally got the world to hand them the right to manufacture money out of nothing and then to turn around and lend the mammon back to the world plus usurious interest! Almost single handedly, this small group of men have dominated the world. However, in their efforts to dominate the world they have caused extraordinary pain and agony and even potentially the complete destruction of life on earth.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of twelve private banks which are not part of the United States Government.
These private banks purchase paper notes from the U.S. mint for printing cost or simply enter digital money into their computer then lend back the money plus interest to the people through member banks. The profits go into the share holders of the bank's pocket's, the U.S. public receives no benefit.   Monday, May 30, 2011

1 comment:

  1. RISE THE POWER WITHIN AND WITHOUT Women of Planet Earth, the energy has no boundaries when the REVOLUTION has begun: "There shall be a revolution when the women want one, 'even the ugly ones', KARL MARX"!
