Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How Whites Took Over America, West Bank Settler Runs Away, ROGER WATERS Tells The Truth, NAZZIS

How Whites Took Over America Part 2 (must watch) >> presents a cynical criticism of multi-culturalism and the genocidal crime committed in the name of 'Human Rights' and 'equality'.  You may also note the role of controlled opposition and the Zionised tone employed by the foreign invader. Terminological hegemony and 'correctness' are clearly  progressive disciplines and they are lethal. 

1. Hilariously Predictable - Watch A West Bank Settler Run Away (Video)

Cowardice Tax - 10 Weird Taxes
2nd segment of a a debate between Jewish Settler politician David Rubin and jazz artist Gilad Atzmon on Richie Allen Show /PVT (3/12/13). It doesn't take too long before the settler runs away. All it takes is jus a bit of 'in your face' truth...

The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics - available on Amazon.com  & Amazon.co.uk

2, Roger Waters Tells The Truth Against All Odds

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon: The Jewish hate-site algemeiner.com latest target is veteran rocker Roger Waters.  His crime? He has told the truth about Jewish power and has compared Israel with Nazzi Germany.

Specifically, in a recent interview Waters dared to refer to the mighty Jewish Lobby and its impact silencing opposition to the Jewish State.

It goes without saying that the Israelis and their tribal operators are not happy with Waters exercising his freedom to think and to speak but I have a feeling that BDS movement, now totally dominated by liberal Zionists and funded by George Soros’ Open Society, is also slightly embarrassed by Waters’ frankness.

In the last few years, BDS Movement has invested a lot of energy concealing the truth regarding the Jewish State and curtailing any criticism of it. So, I ask myself, will Ali Abunimah, Joseph Massad and  Omar Barghouti, once again bow to Jewish pressure and call for the disavowal of the Pink Floyd hero? Will Abunimah advise Waters that whenever he wants to say the J word, he should instead say ‘Zionist’. Let’s hope not.

Yet, one question remains: How is it possible that a rocker and a jazz artist are exploring those truths that prominent Palestinian activists are not even brave enough to contemplate? I guess that as long as activism is in a state of utter paralysis, the search for beauty is the only true liberation.

Algemeiner.com: Days After Defending Star of David Pig, Roger Waters Laments ‘Power’ of ‘Jewish Lobby,’ Compares Israeli Policy to Nazzis

Just days after defending his use of an inflatable pig emblazoned with a Star of David as a concert prop, rock star Roger Waters lamented the “power” of “the Jewish lobby,” and compared Israeli government policy to that of the Nazzis, in an interview with CounterPunch magazine.

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