Monday, December 2, 2013

KOCH, Agenda 21, California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Et Al

The Koch brothers, Pat Stryker, Governor Hickenlooper and many of the Colorado Front Range mayors are all spearheading a movement to enslave the people of Colorado under the dictates of the United Nations created and inspired Agenda 21. Colorado, along with a 15 county area in Northern California and Southern Oregon comprise the beta test for Agenda 21 control over our most precious resources, namely, our water and our farmland.

The Koch Brothers Spearhead the Agenda 21 Takeover of Colorado

The Koch brothers have accomplished nothing. The brothers inherited their immense wealth from their father, Soviet oilman Fred Koch. Yet, these entitled Koch brothers feel that should have the right to dictate to everyone else how they should live.

Stalin actually brought in Fred Koch in order to develop the Soviet Union’s oil industry and now the sins of the father are being visited upon Fred’s sons as they are bringing a virulent form of communism to Colorado.

Koch Industries is the second largest corporation in the United States and true to form, they have no scruples. The Koch brothers are so corrupt that they have been caught stealing oil from protected Indian lands. This should be a hint to the people of Colorado as to what lies in their immediate future.

The Koch brothers espouse the Agenda 21 belief that you do not control your wealth, land, food, water and air, the state does on behalf of the corporations that they serve. For example, the Koch brothers are attacking social security. They have spent $29 million dollars to put forth the propaganda that social security is broke. It is only broke because Congress keeps raiding the funds. The Koch brothers want the retirement age to go to 70 years of age. They want to get their greedy hands on social security so that they can invest the funds on Wall Street, thus, risking everyone’s social security retirement funds.

Colorado Climate Project

The Rocky Mountain Climate Organization (RMCO) launched the Colorado Climate Project, to bring Coloradans together to reduce the state’s contribution and vulnerability to a changed climate. In the process of enforcing their Agenda 21 inspired policies, Colorado’s farmers and ranchers are under attack. Click here to read the Project’s mission statement. The project followed the model established by several state governments, including those in Arizona, New Mexico, and Montana, but was the first such project undertaken as a private initiative. Click here to learn more about the process the Project followed, including the role of the Climate Action Panel.

Project Directors

RMCO’s project directors appointed the members of the Climate Action Panel, received its final report, and serve as key public spokespersons about the Colorado Climate Project and its recommendations. The project directors are:
  • John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
  • Steve Burkholder, mayor of Lakewood
  • Doug Hutchinson, mayor of Fort Collins
  • Tom Long, Summit County Commissioner
  • Matt Baker, director of Environment Colorado
  • Tom Clark, executive vice president of the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation
  • Former U.S. Senator Gary Hart, the Wirth Chair Professor at the University of Colorado-Denver
  • Gail Klapper, director of the Colorado Forum
  • Pat Vincent, president of the Public Service Company of Colorado (an Xcel Energy company).
  • Al Yates, former president of Colorado State University.

Project Sponsors

The principal sponsors of the Agenda 21 takeover of Colorado includes the Denver Water Board, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Pat Stryker, the City of Aspen, BP America, the Koch brothers and the Rockefeller Family Fund.

Because of the Colorado Climate Change and their unwarranted influence, Colorado farmers are losing more and more of their farmland. The State Legislature and the Colorado Supreme Court are forcing Colorado farmers to forsake the use of well water in the irrigation of their crops during a period of prolonged drought. They have ordered the shutdown of 440 wells. Colorado farmland is drying up, crop yield is down and many farmers are facing ruination. This is classic Agenda 21 in which the only ones who should be able to farm in rural areas are the large corporate farms and the government. Under this group it is illegal to trap rainwater, reuse irrigation water and 50% of all farmland cannot be tilled under their proposals. We are talking about the complete destruction of Colorado farming and the absolute installment of Agenda 21 policies in the state.

Colorado Gun Confiscation

Colorado is also the site of some of the most contentious gun control legislation in the country. These same forces are going after the guns of Colorado residents. Two state legislators have already been recalled and removed from office for supporting the anti-Second Amendment forces of these Agenda 21 groups.

Senator Evie Hudak has been one of the principals trying to ban guns in Colorado. Subsequently there have been efforts to recall this third anti-gun politician. Rather than face a recall election, Hudak abruptly resigned. Hudak is a piece of work. She is despised by Second Amendment supporters for having callously dismissed the testimony of a rape survivor during a legislative hearing in an extreme example of depraved indifference.

In an effort to get Hudak recalled, Colorado activists have experienced extreme harassment, even stalking, with the tacit approval of local law enforcement.

Activist, Mike McAlpine, who headed up the Hudak recall effort, stated that  ”We have multiple cars monitoring us at our offices and filming us from the parking lot.”  McAlpine went on to say that “This is not a one-off event. We hold sign-and-drive events on the sidewalks near to busy intersections, and we hold signs inviting people to pull over and sign the petition. Our opponents have taken to blocking us: as cars pull in, they run up to the driver’s side door and physically stand next to the door so that the person inside cannot open the door and come outside.”

McAlpine further stated that “… opponents have formed human chains in order to block anyone who wants to sign. “They yell at the person while they’re at the table trying to sign, or blow an airhorn in their ear. There have been a half-dozen examples of that. In addition, when we go out to knock on doors and present the petition, they will follow us down the sidewalk and scream and yell.”

This is where this gets very interesting. The Climate Change Project is involved and they are using their thug contacts, which helped to propel Obama into the White house.

These radical leftist groups have poured a lot of money into the state. ”Legal filings reveal that the Democracy Defense Fund, which opposed the recall, received $25,000 from the National Education Association, $10,000 from SEIU, and $5,000 from the Colorado AFL-CIO. Records show that, by yesterday, Democracy Defense Fund had received $120,000. “

Colorado Law Enforcement Runs Interference for the Agenda 21 Forces Invading Colorado

McAlpine states that local law enforcement refuses to respond to the allegations of harassment, intimidation and stalking. He further states that “Our City Hall and the Department of Motor Vehicles, both of which are public institutions…” and, “The police have escorted our people off of those locations with the explicit reason that they would arrest us if we came back because we were asking government employees for signatures, and that is illegal.”  Yet, other groups are permitted to circulate petitions in the same proximity. What we have here is a case of the police protecting the illegal harassment activities of the anti-gun forces in Colorado. Meanwhile, McAlpine states that “We stay 100 feet from the entrance to be approximately safe, “nonetheless, the city has deployed the police to escort us off the premises with the direct threat that they will arrest us next time.”


The Agenda 21 forces are ruining farmland, lessening crop production, denying lawful access to water and breaking the law in opposing the pro Second Amendment supporters and their legitimate political activities.

Colorado is a beta test for the rest of the nation. If the Koch brothers and their Agenda 21 allies get their way in Colorado, they will undoubtedly unleash this tyranny across the country.



    Washington’s on the ball re this, even though I’ve read elsewhere they are a very liberal anti-gun State. Time to move there anyway because Victoria Bidwell’s little Natural Hygiene Fasting Retreat Hideaway is out there. Watch out, Victoria, we’re all going to move there to escape Smart Meters & come detox at your place! :)

    Correspondence with Washington State Legislators and Officials
    In October 2013, 378 Government Officials and Professional Leaders across Washington State received the Smart Meter and Personal Wireless Services Facilities Notice of Liability and Inaction, providing knowledge of:
    • The harm caused by exposures to Radiofrequency Radiation, a possible carcinogen, neurotoxin, and genotoxin, among other effects
    • The potential liabilities to persons given authority to act upon said knowledge, but do not.
    Radiofrequency Radiation is everywhere in our society; However, government exposure standards:
    • Are 17 years old, based on limited data from one set of experiments in the 1980’s
    • Apply to 30-minute exposures to a 6-foot tall man
    • Are believed to protect us from burns and shock, not damage to health
    • Are believed to protect us from whole-body heating not exposure to critical organs like the brain and the eyes
    Radiofrequency Radiation has not been proven biologically safe for humans and is especially damaging to children and pregnant women. For example, schools use Wi-Fi power densities and frequencies similar to those used as Cold War weapons. Other exposures to Radiofrequency Radiation include cell phones, cordless phones, DECT products, Bluetooth, iPads, wireless interactive white boards, paging systems, countless home automation applications, cell towers, masts, antenna, smart meter infrastructures, Wi-Max, TETRA, etc.
    Complete the NOTICE OF SUPPORT FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION by following these easy steps.
    Washington State residents can let their District Legislators know they support an immediate and complete safety review of Radiofrequency Radiation, and a moratorium on the installation of smart meters and Personal Wireless Services Facilities, until determined safe.
    Full Citations for Smart Meter and Personal Wireless Services Facilities Notice of Liability and Inaction.
    Good on them for that. I really like the sound of “NOTICE OF LIABILITY & INACTION”! But, that sounds like PRE-lawsuit jargon. Why show your hand in advance? “SUE FIRST, TALK LATER,” my former boss/attorney used to say. That way, you, the Plaintiff, get to call the shots by listing your grievances, legally. Then the Defense has to PROVE what you say is NOT true, costing them a lot of time & money digging up evidence (there’s a Biblical Proverb re that very sequence, re a person lays out his claim first & then his adversary comes & searches him through).
    They always prefer to TALK first & weasle their way out of it like so:
    1. Peoples’ lawyer sends letter to Gov’t. lawyer: “My clients are suffering these health grievances due to your client’s actions &/or inactions re Smart Meters. Please pay liability damages ASAP & stop contributing to dire health ramifications to the Public At Large.”
    2. Gov’t lawyer writes back, “Tough stuff. We find no harm in our Smart Meters. Have a nice day.” Sets down his dictation/recorder, leans back in his leather executive chair & bursts out laughing at the foolish lawyer who thinks a gov’t. or corporation will negotiate in FAVOR of The People. “Bwahahaha!” :D
    1. Peoples’ lawyer files lawsuit vs. Local/State/Federal Gov’t. & All Manufacturers of Wireless Products; sets hearing before Judge to approve lawsuit going forward against Gov’t. “Sovereign” entities.*
    2. In the interim Gov’t. lawyer gets served with his copy of the lawsuit & says, “Doggone those Sue First lawyers! Mary! (hollering to his paralegal), get busy digging up some evidence that Smart Meters are safe so we can get the Judge to toss this bozo’s lawsuit!”* Mary replies, “Sorry boss. The newest evidence is not on our side.” Gov’t. lawyer, “Shhhhsh! Don’t tell anybody. Fake it. Lie. Bury that evidence!” Mary: “Sorry boss, kinda hard to do since it’s all over the internet!” ;)
    3. Gov’t. lawyer reaches for a shot glass & a bottle of Jack Daniels in his desk drawer & dictates letter to Peoples’ lawyer: “Dear Joe, why didn’t you write or call me first rather than file a lawsuit? Surely we could have worked this out, Talk First, you know, without involving the Court system!”
    4. Peoples’ lawyer replies: “Where have I heard THAT before, hmm, Jack? Sue FIRST, Talk LATER! See you in Court, buddy! Bwahahaha!” (Peoples’ lawyer’s turn to burst out laughing.) :D
    *If you want to sue any form of government, local, state, federal, they always claim “Sovereign Immunity,” so you have to get a judge to approve your lawsuit first, an extra step, but it still gives the Gov’t. lawyer some pain, lol.
    The route the Washington State group is proposing, above, is via legislation. Great, but that will probably take years, if at all. If you go ahead & sue their “group-think gov’t. selves” first, that could shake them up faster. Hurt them in the pocketbook. Do both simultaneously.
    I like what Liberty Counsel did on a different matter. They had their lawsuit printed & ready to go & filed it with the Court the SAME day Obama signed his John Hancock on the Patient Affordable Care Act Law/ObamaCare. In other words, don’t waste time talking. Just do it!
    My former boss would approve of this message, lol.
    Above Washington State News Story Distributed by:

    “The Microwave Factor, by EMF Refugees: The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)”:


1 comment:

  1. When the LAWYERS GET that the LIEYERS are about the KOCH AGENDA 21, then the BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY [B.A.R.] can be sued too, for all the 'money sovereignty' defrauded to the LAWYERS via the LIEYERS that have destroyed the JUDICIAL intentionally via the Federal Reserve.
