Tuesday, December 3, 2013

To The 'Who' who come to Art of 12: Thank you &

Eye of Storm, Taiwan Jul 13, 2013, WEATHER WEAPONRY 'AGENDA 21'  How many humans get to die?  As many as GEORGIA GUIDESTONES say


The King of the Jews (self-proclaimed) Netanyahu, isn't going to shut-up when it comes to the interest/s of Israel.  What was this communication to the world people?  The State of Israel owned by the worst of our human being species gets to continue doing to the earth what has been done to Palestine and the earth has to shut up about IT.  IT has spoken.  IT was the technology that thought listening to all conversations and then allowing NO such idea, 'freedom' and what a dead impotent stupid paranoid schizophrenia psychopathic sociopaths in a forever apartheid genocide Metzitzah b'peh


The trouble isn't going to get clear about why the trouble is.

Money is charged by the Chinese, the Chinese made the stuff up to be able to Silk Road, and other forms of trade-exchange.  Smart to make up a commodity where humans could exchange and trade earth stuff.

PROBLEM was the Chinese got destroyed.  But, not the practices of the Tao, can't destroy the tap root of reality.

There are nine compartments in the brain.  Each compartment is a 'gift' or call the 'power' a thinking synapse, such as total recall for an example or psychic full powers, there are nine.

I'll be drawing and uploading these 'practices' or on video the practices can be watched and followed, this is in the works.

The cost to get this practice was priceless.  The practice wasn't allowed, however, there was a communication pause and between two breaths I got to learn a very powerful 'gift'.

But, it is not to be abused.  Must also learn TAI CHI or another form of grounding or the BRAIN EXERCISE is just too much for the human being to stay 'grounded'.

Time may be here, got to get our brains working in paths of moving the Netanyahu's past the graveyard routine.

Simply look at one book:  ICHING.



... to be continued ....

1 comment:

  1. Cultivation of the Nine Houses and Earth Style Tai Chi, plus other practices of the Tao to HEAL our bodies-minds-spirits, REAL true sexual energy to be 'cultivated' to HEAL the Metzitzah b'peh mutilation abomination of no less than 5 thousand years, how vile evil Israel Et Al
