Tuesday, December 3, 2013

World's Biggiest Porn Site, SCOTUS-HobbyLobbY, and Giants? Did Live ~ Once Upon A Time In America!!

U.S. Supreme Court, sculpted in the early 1930s, the east wall frieze behind and above the Supreme Court bench shows the allegorical "Majest of Law" resting his arm on a tablet that is, depending on the source, either the Bill of Rights or the Ten Commandments.  http://www.christianindex.org/1087.article
PornHub, 1 Billion / mo visitors

Explorers discovered a stone fountain in a wide court, still pouring “perfectly pure water” into its basin. But it was what lay beside the fountain that interested the people exploring the site. “Lying beside the foundation (of the fountain) were portions of the skeleton of a human being,” according to the article. “The bones of the leg measured, the femur four and one-half feet, the tibia four feet and three inches, showing that when alive the figure was three times the size of an ordinary man, and possessed of a wonderful muscular power and quickness.” 

Saturn's largest Moon, Nasa Gallery Image Of The Day <<


[SIDEBAR:  There are teachings, from the Ancient Tao, and the PENIS is a tool, to heal.  The woman' vagina isn't just to birth more human babies.

Man and woman get together to CULTIVATE sexual energy to not just procreate the species, but indeed to heal the whole systems, all.

Begin with the system of DIGESTING.  Ingesting and digesting are essential.  Absent this, there is no real beginning in the path of human being.  SEX BEGINS touching tongues, but, that's after more than just the temperature rising endocrine knock-knock, "Hi Honey I'm Home".  SEX has been distorted via the same distortions that have caused MOSES to be the "Majest of Law" in the SCOTUS' rulings that appear to be for the majority of those that call the shots in Once Upon a Time America, ZIONISTS and the JEWRY POLITICAL faction.  Set-up Wall Street and the Federal Reserve System runs the fraudulent money for SCOTUS, POTUS, FLOTUS and of course the JUDICIAL of no such idea:  Truth in Justice.  PLEASE.

What have these people done?  Causing homosexuality to be an item due to the obvious:  EXPERIMENTATION.  Didn't think the Chinese degradation of the Tao was enough, got to get as many moving to the U$A and presto instant coo coo everywhere.

WIZARD OF \OZ, was in a book review of a high publication in Europe, a Chinese author took the story and ripped it up.  Chinese have the story of the EUROPEAN INVASION and also ancient script that's never been deciphered the writing is not able to be understood at all.  Not that the modern Chinese are the Taoists.  Most modern Chinese people aren't as educated as the beginning people, how could they be, the OPIUM WARS destroyed the country of China for what it was:  ENLIGHTENED.

There are no enlightened groups of people in earth or we would not be where we are today.

America was an idea that got addicted to so many ideologies that the reality of SCOTUS making decisions for the MILLIONS as though MOSES  and that means choosing such as George W. Bush "Jr" a drug addict his whole life and then we get the FRAUD OBAMA, for the black people of America to get to sit in the back of the bus again.  The WHITEY?  Well not doing too well when we have a ROMNEY as our other choice, that is truly too sick for words.

What did the so called self proclaimed 'rich' of the U$A do?  Land locked and iron curtain the country for the obvious coming attraction which has been in Holly Wood via Brad the Pitt of cute ran out and pimping mutilation Angie for the Jew Medical Obamacare killing machines of too much experimenting on the human being that is not a machine.

STARS?  Did we come from stars?  Were there other higher intelligence that returned to visit their families?  Got killed so didn't come back, can't get killed.  Watch and wait as the human beings not related to stars kill the species and all species in earth.

Until the universe decides to rebirth another form of life.  And while SCOTUS does another deciding for the deciders that can't decide what is real and artificial.  Good times had by all in earth, we're all waiting to die rather than living to thrive.  Not smart, not in China, Russia, America, for certain and that's for sure in checking all the FACTS, as scholars of course!]

... be continued ....

1 comment:

  1. How to get our brain chemistry to remember how to be really SMART? Sexual energy isn't just for blowing up our minds, Et Cetera!
